1 lexscripta Jan 14, 2008 17:21
3 edb Jan 17, 2008 01:18
If no one knows the answer then no one answers. Make sense?
4 yabba Jan 17, 2008 10:47
I moved your post, I had the time, I didn't know the answer, therefore I didn't answer.
5 edb Jan 17, 2008 15:55
Plus I gotta tell you that bumping your own thread lowers the chance of an answer.
I'm one of the people who checks all the new posts. There are a few of us who do that. Every now and then I check the link for seeing all posts without a reply and TRY to find an answer if I can. Even if it's a poor answer figuring it's better than no answer. So when you reply to your own thread it means I'll never see it again.
Very rarely do I actually go to the forum index to see what's new.
Anyway it's probably just a well-crafted post, but I'm going by memory of what pages you mean. IF it's a plugin it is kept by the owner.
The reviews in OpensourceCMS made me give this a try, but no one really had much to say about the support in the forums. It leaves much to be desired. Not so much as even a nod that I left a post.
OpensourceCMS needs to be updated a bit to reflect this short coming.
I will say one thing though, the system was very easy to install. Got it right the first time. However, this alone is not what makes a good CMS/Blogging tool in my opinion.
One thing that irritated me the most was that someone had the time to move my post, but no time to answer a simple question - How hard can it be to answer such a generic question?