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1 Jan 21, 2008 03:12    

We have multiple blogs in our site.

I want all the blogs to have the same "right-column" widget configuration. Though I can manually configure the widgets for each blog, it would be cool to copy the blogs from Blog1 to blog2, blog3, and blog4, etc.

Is this possible?

Or should I move forward to configure each one manually?

2 Jan 21, 2008 03:26

It *might* be possible to do it through your database, but I've no idea how. Right now the only way is to do it one by one by one by one at a time. The future may hold something different but no one knows what or when :)

BTW I'm going to move this out of "site showcase" :roll:

3 Jan 21, 2008 03:26

Just to add to this note:

For a multi-blog platform, I would think sharing widget configurations among blogs would be a great feature.

I'm using the Custom HTML for a "featured video" thing. If I need to change the video, I would have to do it 5 times. This will be a hussle.

4 Feb 23, 2008 20:47

Is there a way to synch the widgets via mySQL?

So if I configure one blog with certain widgets, can I run a few mySQL commands to make all the other blogs have the same widget configs?

5 Feb 23, 2008 22:06

I'm going to "watch" this topic to remind it is something I want to try to find an answer to. When installing I learned how to do groovy stuff with widgets, but haven't translated that knowledge to a few quick steps to clone widgets across blogs.

Shouldn't be too hard, but right now it is behind the online contest I'm building for my hang gliding club and a few skins for 2.* that I am WAY behind on.

6 Feb 28, 2008 02:50

The only way I find to do it, it's cut-copy lines from the export sql. Maybe I'm not enough good with MySql to manage it. But I'm not sure which kind of query you can do, if you don't want to duplicate everything but choose only certain widgets.
I will be very happy if someone could solve this issue!

7 Feb 28, 2008 03:25

Just taking a look at my situation, it's gonna be a bit tricky for sure. Like, widgets auto-increment but that's not the problem. You can identify the blog and container really easy, so doing a mysql query to say "get the line where blog 1 has 'menu_link' in 'Sidebar' then copy it to blog 3 then copy it to blog 9". That's not so bad to think of either. Where my brain falls down on it is being able to tell it "and make it be the second widget from the top". Easy enough to make it be widget #2, but first you gotta find out if there is a number 2 widget and if so make it be #3. But first you gotta find out if there is a #3 and make it be #4. And so on until finally widget #14 in blog #3's Sidebar container becomes #15 ... and all the way up the chain until you finally get to insert the widget you're copying.


8 Feb 29, 2008 03:12

Okay so let me make sure I understand the basic goal here: what you have for blog #1 is what you want for ALL other blogs. Correct? Not just the sidebar container: all widgets in all containers.

So like a hack for "make all blogs be widgetized like blog 1" would fit the bill?

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