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1 Jan 20, 2008 01:34    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x

or any other shortcut

The error shows as

Line: 187
Char: 3
Error: The callee (server[server not responding]) is not available and disappeared; all connections are invalid. The call did not execute.

Code: 0

What have I done wrong?

2 Jan 20, 2008 01:41

Can you provide a link to a page where you get the error. Everything I try seems to be OK.

Good luck

3 Jan 20, 2008 01:55

That depends on what you did immediately before having this problem show up!

Seriously: 99% of the problems that happen don't just randomly show up. So if one day you could and the next day you couldn't then something changing between then and now is worth studying.

Your link above was to your admin area. We can't get in there, so if that is the only place you're seeing this problem then we have another clue. The exact moment of change AND the fact that this hits your back office only. A few clicks out front showed me no issue, though perhaps I didn't click the right stuff.

More info please!

4 Jan 20, 2008 02:08

I don't think I have changed anything in the back office area - but then im thick when it comes to things like this

I know I'm not allowed to Pm peeps and maybe im too trusting but if you'd like access to the back office I can set an account for you so you can see how its set?

I know I must sound really thick - please excuse me :(

5 Jan 20, 2008 02:19

Basically when I am writing a post and click the "link" button to add a link it will bring up the cript window, I type in the link and hit ok but the link doesnt show - the same for an image

Am I making sense?

6 Jan 20, 2008 02:22

You can PM me with account details. I will have a look.

7 Jan 20, 2008 02:24

Ditto, but Afwas is really smart on this stuff.

BTW when I replied to your PM saying "I don't give help in PM" I didn't mean I never use it. What I meant was when people ask for help in private I don't reply. THIS is a case for a private channel, knowing that eventually the solution will be brought out into the real world here.

8 Jan 20, 2008 02:27

thanks guys - will set up an Admin account and pm you both details - give me a moment :)

11 Jan 20, 2008 02:48

do i need to do anything *looks completely lost* lol

12 Jan 20, 2008 02:50

I don't know if you changed anything but they now work :)

13 Jan 20, 2008 02:50

No you need to do nothing ;) But I need some expertise from a guy who probably sleeps now.

14 Jan 20, 2008 02:53

Loveable wrote:

I don't know if you changed anything but they now work :)

Nothing works here. Do your smilies and [XML] and the such add some code to the post when you click the button?

15 Jan 20, 2008 02:55

they werent before - but they are now - I know enough to know if you add a link using the link button they should add the code <a=href></a> thats wasn't happening

Ive not changed anything, but now it is happening lol

16 Jan 20, 2008 03:00

I changed things. The obvious routine. Reloaded the plugins.
It's nice it works for you, that's what it's all about, but it doesn't work for me :roll:

17 Jan 20, 2008 03:14

Would you like your login left so that you can continue to play with it? If you are anything like some of the people I know - they want the answers :) and I'm happy for you to login whenever you wish :)

18 Jan 20, 2008 06:19

Okay I guess I missed all the fun yah? Looks to me like all is working after I turned on javascript. Yeah most of the buttons need javascript. In fact without Javascript the entire "quicktags" toolbar disappears. You see the smilies but they do nothing. You see the video toolbar links but they too do nothing.

Loveable what browser are/were you using, and do you have any javascript-blocking tools that may have been killing your write buttons?

hey... You actually saw a button that said "link" and it didn't do anything? THAT can not happen if javascript is disabled or blocked, so perhaps Afwas' reloading of your plugins did the trick.

If you kill or keep the access you gave me it's all the same to me because if I ever need it again I'll tell you I forgot it. Because I will.

Now it's your turn to help me! I need to extract all the text from my plugin and create a messages.pot file but I can't do it because xg.php says it needs xgettext to run and I have no idea what an xgettext is or what I'm supposed to do with it to make xg.php run.

19 Jan 20, 2008 06:35

EdB wrote:

Loveable what browser are/were you using, and do you have any javascript-blocking tools that may have been killing your write buttons?.

JavaScript was my thought also.
The popup() function is no longer exclusive javaScript, it should work in every browser even if JS is disabled. That isactually what happened, the popup was there, but nothing happened to it.

More troubles today. I edited the evocamp skin and noticed the the smilies for the comments (displaying but) not working. Must check that one also. NOTE TO SELF.

20 Jan 20, 2008 14:24

EdB wrote:

Now it's your turn to help me! I need to extract all the text from my plugin and create a messages.pot file but I can't do it because xg.php says it needs xgettext to run and I have no idea what an xgettext is or what I'm supposed to do with it to make xg.php run.

You are having a laugh right? :?: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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