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1 Jan 22, 2008 19:10    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I have been given code that I must implement to host another blog's feed on my blog.

Where in the "back office" do I paste this code?

2 Jan 23, 2008 00:01

The answer really depends on your evo version


3 Jan 23, 2008 03:24

I have EVO version 1.10.2

Superblog gave me some code to post to increase the chances I will get listed their. Where do I post that code?

4 Jan 23, 2008 03:29

Is it code meant to visible? Did they say something like: "put it in the header of the file?"

Presumably it goes in the sidebar.
Crack open a file from your skin called _main.php. It's located in /blogs/skins/YOURSKIN/
Find a section similar to this (from custom skin):

<!-- =================================== START OF SIDEBAR =================================== -->

<div class="bSideBar">

	<div class="bSideItem">

		[php]<h3><?php $Blog->disp( 'name', 'htmlbody' ) ?></h3>[/php]

		<p><?php $Blog->disp( 'longdesc', 'htmlbody' ); ?></p>
[... continues ...]

A sidebar item starts with:

<div class="bSideBar">

Then comes a title:


Now comes the code you want to show. End the <div> with:


Now simply paste this packet of code between two other side items.

If you did it all correctly and uploaded the edited skin your new code will show on your page.
If you have more questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Good luck

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