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1 Jan 26, 2008 04:23    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

The contact page is being used by spammers to hit me with tons of spam. I get at least 4 or 5 spam messages per day through the b2evolution contact form.

Is there a way to restrict this by captcha or will any future version implement stricter anti-spam controls on the contact form submission?

2 Jan 26, 2008 09:25

Indeed, captcha on this will be a good idea

3 Jan 26, 2008 10:01

[url=]b2evo Plugin Directory - Turing test 220[/url]

"Turing Test is an antispam tool that lets you ask your visitors a question before they can submit a comment. "What color is red" or "Type 'foo' in the box" (which isn't a question but you get the idea). A wrong or missing answer means the visitor has to try again.

Protects comments, message forms, and registration.

(This is an upgrade of an existing plugin for v220)

4 Jan 29, 2008 06:47

Thanks John. Will try this. :-)

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