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1 Feb 06, 2008 08:43    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

Hi folks,

is there a possibility to disable the thumbnails in the .evocache-folder?

Thanx and greetings from germany

2 Feb 08, 2008 20:45

Hi Jörg,

I haven't got a clue.

Viel spass

3 Feb 20, 2008 08:41

I work from different locations at my blog and i sync the online files with my several offline environments.
My blog has many, many pictures (1500). With 2.xx now every pic has a thumbnail in the .evocache-folder. Each pic with an own folder and only one litte thumb in it.
If i compare my local version with the online version it needs to many requests only to read the folderstructure ... and the compare runs a long time.

I don't need the thumbs. I want to kill them and disable the automatism that create them. But how can i kill and disable?
If i want to delete the thumbs with my ftp-client i can't do this, because they are generated by script. So i must delete via script. But i can't find any tool for this at the dashboard.

Have anyone any ideas for me?

4 Feb 20, 2008 09:53

Ok ... now i have written a little script that deletes the .evocache-folder with all files and subdirs:

function deltree($dir) {

  $fh = opendir($dir);
  while($entry = readdir($fh)) {
    if($entry == ".." || $entry == ".")
    if(is_dir($dir . $entry))
      deltree($dir . $entry . "/");
      unlink($dir . $entry);




Important: The php-file needs chmod777 ....

Many greetings from germany

5 Feb 20, 2008 13:43

I don't know if you've already tried this or not, but I like to use Agent Ransack to find strings of characters inside multiple files and folders. In this case if I wanted to kill the thumbnails (and not be left with black boxes the size of thumbnails) I would search the installation for "Icon/Type" or maybe "No directories" to get an idea where building the table on the Files tab comes from. I would then hope to get a clue as to what function is putting the thumbnails in place, or maybe even what function is actually building them.

BTW I think if you just delete the .evocache folders, and possibly chmod your media and media/blogs and/or media/users folder(s) to 777, the thumbnails won't come back. You will have a black box the size of a thumbnail with an error message in it, but you won't have actual thumbnails - just in case the actual thumbnail generation is the problem.

6 Feb 27, 2008 10:39

With rsync life is easy:

rsync -rtvpz -e ssh --exclude=evocache server:path_to_blogs local_dir

Of course, for this to work you need ssh activated in your host.

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