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1 Feb 23, 2008 14:32    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x

Can it be possible to post articles in blog , imported from forums topics directly through rss..??

4 Feb 23, 2008 14:50

At least the answer id identical :)

5 Feb 23, 2008 15:28

lostnucleus wrote:

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x

Can it be possible to post articles in blog , imported from forums topics directly through rss..??

OT: I'm curious about how one would use this because I really don't understand any use beyond making someone else's blog post look like your own. In other words if you read a feed and add the contents of the feed to your blog as a post doesn't that make it look like your post, and isn't that a little bit ... wrong?

As I say I'm curious because this has been asked for ever since way back in my magpierss hack days. It's actually not that hard, or at least for that hack it wouldn't have been, but I never did it because no one ever explained what, to me, would be an honorable application for it.

By asking I hope to learn - not insult or offend, so please take it as it was intended!

6 Feb 23, 2008 16:21

/me watches curiously ;)


7 Feb 23, 2008 21:31

If you provide an RSS feed you have to expect that your content is going to get loaded into something, be it
iGoogle, Netvibes, Pageflakes etc etc etc let alone your's or someone elses own site.
The honorable thing to do with "importing" content is to treat it as a link back and content teaser.

9 Feb 23, 2008 22:15

@John & Afwas: That much I understand. MagpieRSS and the improved version from Yabba do it that way. My understanding of the request is that the feed content be made to look like a post, which would be a different thing entirely.

ONCE I had a post that generated a ton of traffic from one source. The source linked to me is why. After that I got a small burst of traffic from another source that had lifted the first source verbatim. In fact when I compared the two webs the only difference I could see was the ads surrounding the content. Clearly the second was ripping the feed from the first and packaging it as their content. I thought that sucked, but took comfort knowing that the first source obviously had the lion's share of visitors based on who came my way.

So that's why I ask about an honorable usage of making a feed look like a post.

10 Mar 17, 2008 13:29

Hey guys,

I was just looking for something like this and will give it a try.

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