I'm not sure if it's known, but if you write a post and then edit it and change into type=page, an unidentified error appears (there's no description of this error...)
Is it a known bug?
Additionally, when I customize the page template to use the sidebar 2 container, there's a message displayed that it's not used in selected skin. Well, it is, but only in pages...
BTW, can I possibly make sidebar 3? :D
And: widget "User tools" doesn't display "Block Title to display in the skin". It just keeps saying "User Tools". Yeah, this will get changed with translation, but I can change the Block Title of pages and free html widgets... it should be also possible with this one.
First issue is not known as a bug to the best of my knowledge. I will test later as I like to find bugs.
Second issue, from what I understand, might be resolvable by reloading the skin so it sees the new container you've added. If I understand you correctly!
Yes you can make as many sidebars as you like. In fact you can even call them whatever you like, but convention seems to be to call anything not up top or the actual footer a "sidebar". Personally I'd go with rightside and leftside and underbar and stuff like that, but heck call 'em bill charlie and bob and it will work - assuming you put widgets in 'em.
Finally yeah it's a known bug. I'm thinking I should write up a bunch of hacked widgets so's people can grab "improvements" without waiting for a new release.