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1 Mar 28, 2008 00:47    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x

I am working on doing some search and replace work in the body of my posts.

Where is $Item->content_teaser actually created?

I suspect these might be all in the same place, but if it is different, where is:

Also, where is $Item->title created?
And, where would $Blog->dget('shortname') be constructed as well?



2 Mar 28, 2008 01:44

I actually found it. For those that are wondering...


is located in


And here is the code I added to do the search and replace:

# Added by James on 3/27/2008

global $Blog;
$CityName = $Blog->get('shortname');
$output = eregi_replace("CityName", $CityName, $output);

For the $Item->title, it is located:


global $Blog;
$CityName = $Blog->get('shortname');
$title = eregi_replace("CityName", $CityName, $title);

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