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1 Apr 07, 2008 12:02    

My b2evolution Version: 2.4.1

Hi Folks

I have just found out about a problem I have with very slow loading on my local machine.

On dial-up I expect a bit of delay but wondered why my local install was even slower. I mean deadly slow. It would take some 10 seconds to come up.

Then I had a warning that my F:/ drive was running out of memory. When I went to look it only had 36Mb left.
I couldn't find out what had used the memory so did a defrag which showed nearly half the disk space was defrafmented files. I had only just defraged a

few days ago.

Lukily I'd installed my apache other than on my system drive as after few minutes it said the free space was down to 3Mb.

I found the file is called php_error.log and when I found it, it was 2.5Gb, so I deleted it.

I rebooted and found that on opening b2evol it created a file of some 4Mb

I reinstalled a new b2evol and its the same, some 3.3Mb
If you read the times on the log you will see it takes 5 seconds, just to get off the ground. It does this for every page so it can soon add up.

The error log that php created is at

Here's a sample of the log

[07-Apr-2008 09:41:36] PHP Stack trace:

[07-Apr-2008 09:41:36] PHP 1. {main}() F:\apache2triad\htdocs\b2evol2\index.php:0

[07-Apr-2008 09:41:36] PHP 2. require_once() F:\apache2triad\htdocs\b2evol2\index.php:25

[07-Apr-2008 09:41:36] PHP 3. require_once() F:\apache2triad\htdocs\b2evol2\conf\_config.php:26

[07-Apr-2008 09:41:36] PHP Notice: Could not open '/tmp/xdebug_1207557696_1508.txt', filesystem said: No such file or directory in F:\apache2triad\htdocs\b2evol2\conf\_locales.php on line 26

Am I using the correct version of php? My local apache has php 4.3.8 and mysql 4.0.18

Is it a bad install - but it seems ok on my remote? Will check it later as I'm writing this in an offline location.

I transferred the blog from my local machine to my remote server so that's running the same files exactly.



2 Apr 08, 2008 02:19

Well I haven't got far with this, but I found a reference to a similar issue

Installing the debug error-logging tool will create debug logs of PHP problems for you to review.

Be sure to remove the utility when not needed, or it will slow down your site and consume large amounts of disk space.


So is b2evol initiating this error log. It doesn't have with my other opensource php application, like phpBB.



3 Apr 09, 2008 16:03

Ok this is effectively a bump.

The questions are

1. How do I stop error logging?
2. What are these errors? (see [blockquote] in first post)
3. Are they really errors?
3. If they are. How can I stop them?

I have emailed my remote server manager to see if it is happening there, but no reply yet.

4 Apr 09, 2008 16:23

Ok Here's an update.

I have just removed the path for the php_error.log

I commented out

error_log = F:\apache2triad\php\logs\php_error.log

The problem is that whereas it takes 7 seconds for b2evolution to come up when their is an error log path, without it, it takes 25 seconds and then I get a blank page.

and its the same if I comment out

error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE

Ant ideas folks.

Clearly b2evolution needs to be able to report php errors and be able to write them as removing either option stops it.

So why does it need to?
Why the errors?

5 Apr 09, 2008 16:31

 * Log application errors through {@link error_log() PHP's logging facilities}?
 * This means that they will get logged according to PHP's error_log configuration directive.
 * Experimental! This may be changed to use regular files instead/optionally.
 * @todo Provide logging into normal file instead (more useful for backtraces/multiline error messages)
 * @global integer 0: off; 1: log errors; 2: include function backtraces (Default: 1)
$log_app_errors = 1;

/conf/_advanced.php line 49

6 Apr 09, 2008 17:25

Thanks Afwas

I thought you'd cracked it for me, but alas it doesn't stop the error logging, and even if it did, it would still mean the errors are being made.

I keep imagining there must be a simple error in the php, which doesn't seem fatal. However on breakdown of a 3.3Mb file 3M is for warnings and 300k for fatal errors????

I'm still inclined to think some of the code isn't right for php 4.3.8

On the warnings side I have read that an uninitiated variable will cause a warning.


What I have found is that if I comment out [error_reporting( E_ALL )]

// Most of the time you'll want to see all errors, including notices:
// b2evo should run notice free! (plugins too!)
// error_reporting( E_ALL );

Its better.

1. no log is created as no errors are reported
2. the application start in only 2 seconds on a clean install instead of 7 seconds and only 2 seconds on one with default blogs etc instead of 25 seconds.

However the two issues remaining are

1. why didn't [$log_app_errors = 0;] work and
2. it hasn't removed the fact that there are thousands of php errors for every page.

Thanks again Afwas for your directions at least I can play on my local machine, but I am still very concerned about this error issue.

Is there anyone else out there that runs a local install and if so
1. what php are they using etc and
2. Do they a similar problem and/or
3. Have they hacked theconfig/ _advanced.php file

7 Apr 09, 2008 17:33

If it's your local machine you can easily upgrade to a decent php version.
Things go wrong somewhere else, but I didn't find it. It tries to use xdebug. Possibly it does find xdebug on your system, but that isn't configured properly (can't write to disc).

Run WAMP or Xampp

8 Apr 09, 2008 18:00

Thanks again Afwas.

I'll look into WAMP and XAMPP: I see they are apache bundles similar to my apache2triad.

However I'm on dial-up so will have to wait to visit a friend with broadband to download.

Will look into the other issue meanwhile.

Possibly it does find xdebug on your system, but that isn't configured properly (can't write to disc).


9 Apr 09, 2008 18:28

Your error log errors really don't make sense, line 26 of /conf/_locales.php is simply setting a variable to 2, most of the rest of the errors are due to NT_()

I'd be tempted to grab a fresh copy of the files in case you have a corrupted download.

Also, check your error log settings in your php.ini as I'm pretty sure that this isn't an evo problem ( I've certainly never had this problem whilst running localhost )


10 Apr 09, 2008 19:07

Hi ¥åßßå ¥åßßå wrote:

Your error log errors really don't make sense, line 26 of /conf/_locales.php is simply setting a variable to 2, most of the rest of the errors are due to NT_()

I'd be tempted to grab a fresh copy of the files in case you have a corrupted download.

Also, check your error log settings in your php.ini as I'm pretty sure that this isn't an evo problem ( I've certainly never had this problem whilst running localhost )


Yeap! it doesn't. Afwas said it could be the "xdebug on your system, but that isn't configured properly"

Well I've installed a new Apache2triad version with php 4.4.2 instead of 4.3.8 and all seems fine.

I've undone the edits in config/_advanced.php and no php_error.log is created and the application loads and runs faster.

So whether it was the xdebug or the php version, I will never find out.

Thanks Afwas

12 Apr 09, 2008 19:45

Bugger *reverts name back to bimbo* :(


13 Apr 09, 2008 19:57

Hey ¥åßßå What's up don't cry.

It wasn't evo in some sense, except that it did insist on getting rid of its error messages no matter what I did with my php.ini settings.

And of course we'll never know why as I'm not going back there.

But at least the download seems ok, as it's fine now, so that's a good sign.

Have a cup of tea and a :cookie: Go to bed early and wear a warm hat.


¥åßßå wrote:

Your error log errors really don't make sense, line 26 of /conf/_locales.php is simply setting a variable to 2, most of the rest of the errors are due to NT_()

I'd be tempted to grab a fresh copy of the files in case you have a corrupted download.

Also, check your error log settings in your php.ini as I'm pretty sure that this isn't an evo problem ( I've certainly never had this problem whilst running localhost )



14 Apr 09, 2008 20:15

*puts on warm hat* .... urm, I'll allow a session only :cookie: but anything else ..... ohhh and I can't stand bloody tea, so I'll replace that with a decent whiskey ;)

Glad it's resolved ;)


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