1 rhellem Apr 15, 2008 10:46
3 fplanque Apr 15, 2008 18:23
Try reverting the .htaccess change. It could be related indeed.
Otherwise, b2evo does not generate any 406 responses anywhere, so the problem is most probably with Apache configuration.
This is something you could ask your host tech support to fix.
4 rhellem Apr 16, 2008 22:50
I tried to revert the .htaccess-file, and have not waited about 24 hours (just to be very, very sure) but that did not help. I will send an email to my ISP and ask if they have changed something on the server the past days...
But, I also noticed that a workaround is to just upload the pictures with FTP, they will then be available via the admin console as if they where uploaded with the "quick upload" button
Found the following explanation of 406 Not Acceptable at http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html
Must admit I have a hard time understanding what this is and what I can do