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1 Apr 30, 2008 03:24    

My b2evolution Version:2.42

I am new to this blog and don’t know how to make these changes.

The blog address is
If you click on the home button it points to the same page you are on. I want it to point to I would also like to change the picture you see. Any help will be appreciated.

2 Apr 30, 2008 16:39

The "home" button points to the blog installation's home page. Your blog can't automagically point to something outside itself, but you can easily add a link to your domain root. Basically all those links in the "home" row are widgets in your "Menu" container. So add a "free HTML" widget to that container and then add in the HTML code to link to the page you want. It might be a little bit more complicated than that though. I don't use that container so I really don't know for sure. One of these two should do it though:

<a href="">Web Root</a>


<li><a href="">Web Root</a></li>

Changing the image can be done in probably 84 different ways. The easiest one for me to come up with right now is to suggest you take the image that you want there, which hopefully 760 by 200 pixels, and save it as "headerphoto.jpg in your skins/pixelgreen/img/ folder. Over-write the existing image is the thing, then of course upload it to your server. BAM! Instant customized image.

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