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1 Apr 30, 2008 19:28    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I've just completed reskinning my entire blog and am finally getting to the point where I like the design, but I'm having a small problem, the little square that marks the current date on the calendar widget is a very light color, which does not contrast well with my default font color, ergo, you cannot read the current date.

It's not that big a deal, but darkening the default font is not an option at this point.

Any idea how to change to color of that damned square? I've been looking everywhere and I can't seem to determine the answer, although I suspect this goes somewhere in the main.css file, as most things do. ;)

Any help greatly appreciated.

For reference, here is my site:

2 Apr 30, 2008 20:20

Add this style in stylesheet.css

#bCalendarToday { background-color: #888 }

3 Apr 30, 2008 22:17

That worked perfectly! Tyvm sir.

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