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1 May 06, 2008 15:33    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x

I did a fresh install and everything seems to be working except all the links (catagories, day in calendar) call a URL that does not exist and I get a "Not Found" screen. What have I not set up correctly that would cause this to happen.

2 May 06, 2008 16:32

Got link? Something makes me immediately suspect it is trying to do "pretty" urls and your server can not support them. So depending on your version (this says 1.10.x but we know there is a bug that makes it say that sometimes for people who select 2.x) there are different ways to turn it back to "params for urls".

Basically in 1.10.* you had to enable pretty urls. There was a note that said "if your server supports it". In 2.* it is on by default and on your "Blog settings -> URLs sub-tab you would have to select all the options that have samples of URLs that use parameters (foo=bar&this=that) instead of fake folders (bar/that/thing).

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