2 jdkock May 12, 2008 16:15

Welcome to the forum
This is the right link for 2.x generation http://manual.b2evolution.net/Skins_2.0
sam2kb wrote:
Welcome to the forum
This is the right link for 2.x generation http://manual.b2evolution.net/Skins_2.0
Thanks. That is all i need to get my own layout ? That looks difficult.
What exactly do you need?
You can change almost everything editing style.css file in your skin. But if you want to move/delete blocks like menu or sidebar you have to edit skin files.
Can you give us a link to your blog and site?
sam2kb wrote:
What exactly do you need?
You can change almost everything editing style.css file in your skin. But if you want to move/delete blocks like menu or sidebar you have to edit skin files.Can you give us a link to your blog and site?
This is my site at this moment.
But i wanna change the colors, header, navigation bar and remove the right sidebar.
So that i looks more like this :
You are trying to create a skin from scratch, it's not the easiest way.
You should better find a simple skin which has only index.main.php file (Asevo, Custom, Natural Pink) and start editing styles.css and index.main.php.
sam2kb wrote:
You are trying to create a skin from scratch, it's not the easiest way.
You should better find a simple skin which has only index.main.php file (Asevo, Custom, Natural Pink) and start editing styles.css and index.main.php.
I first started with the custom skin and try to edit that so that it looks like my layout. But it didn't work because it was an old manual. Maybe i have to try it again with the link you give me. And than i have to edit al the include skin files ?
When you need to edit any file from /skins directory you should copy this file in your skin i.e. /skins/myskin and edit it there.
Try customizing css first and then edit index.main.php, read comments in code.
Good luck.
sam2kb wrote:
When you need to edit any file from /skins directory you should copy this file in your skin i.e. /skins/myskin and edit it there.
Try customizing css first and then edit index.main.php, read comments in code.
Good luck.
Thanks. I wil try it.
Hey Jd-
Keep playing around with the style.css and include files. I used that same skin as a base, made a copy of it, renamed it, and built a customized version of it- basically inserting the reworked version into my website.
I dont know if it helps, but you can browse through the code at my site:
I had to insert the blog into my existing code, because I already had the rest of the website built. So all my personalized content is set up before the Start of Skin Wrapper. If you're going to just basic changes to colors, or changing your header image, Sam's call that you can do most of it with the style.css is right. I found the comments in all the include and _x.php files really helpful.
Good luck- and keep at it
ksherwi wrote:
Hey Jd-
I had to insert the blog into my existing code, because I already had the rest of the website built. So all my personalized content is set up before the Start of Skin Wrapper. If you're going to just basic changes to colors, or changing your header image, Sam's call that you can do most of it with the style.css is right. I found the comments in all the include and _x.php files really helpful.Good luck- and keep at it
Did you use the Asevo skin for your site ? But i also have already a website so i wanna include a blog on my home page.
If i look at your source code, it doesn't look like the index.main.php from the b2evolution skin. I think because i can't see the php code, only the generated html code.
No, I used the Glossyblue skin as a base. I had started by duplicating the Custom skin, which was much easier to change around because all the php is in one document. But it wasnt getting anywhere near where I wanted it, so I worked directly onto my glossyblue copy, piece by piece.
The biggest challenge was just getting familiar with each document and how it fit into the original skin- so once I found out where the images were linked or where the sidebar's style and content was held, and where the main post content's margins were controlled, etc., it was alright. Dreamweavers Find source code tool was a great help.
To input my top and left nav menus, including jump menu and header image, etc., i literally copied my code from my already-built website from the <head> and <style> tags (so include the internal style refs) all the way through the <body> tag, where my navs started, and up until my own "mainbodycontainer" div. Then i just stopped the code, so that the line <start skin wrapper> filled my "mainbodycontainer". Of course, in the footer php I closed all my divs from the mainbodycontainer and navs, plus the footer.
hope that made some sense?
ksherwi wrote:
To input my top and left nav menus, including jump menu and header image, etc., i literally copied my code from my already-built website from the <head> and <style> tags (so include the internal style refs) all the way through the <body> tag, where my navs started, and up until my own "mainbodycontainer" div. Then i just stopped the code, so that the line <start skin wrapper> filled my "mainbodycontainer". Of course, in the footer php I closed all my divs from the mainbodycontainer and navs, plus the footer.
hope that made some sense?
I started with the Photoblog skin. It was very hard to find the place where the nav menu was and how i could edit it. At least i removed it and placed the code from my website in this place. But i also had to remove the _html_header.inc.pnp call in index.main.php. I'm now looking why i need to do this because the layout of the post is gone. For what is the _html_header.inc.php file ?
The _html_header.inc.php file is where I got everything to work-- THATS the file that I inserted my nav divs and images, etc. Careful, because i didnt do anything to the _html_header.inc.php file in my /skins/ folder... Instead i edited the same file that was in my /skins/mynewskin/ directory. And a different version of the same file in my /skins/mynewskininenglish/ directory.
I dont think you should have to delete the _html_header.inc.php file from your index.main.php link. I just opened mine to check (the file in skins/mynewskin/) and it still maintains that link, line 23:
// -------------------------- HTML HEADER INCLUDED HERE --------------------------
skin_include( '_html_header.inc.php' );
// Note: You can customize the default HTML header by copying the generic
// /skins/_html_header.inc.php file into the current skin folder.
// -------------------------------- END OF HEADER --------------------------------
If you put back that code into the index.main.php, do your posts come back?
ksherwi wrote:
If you put back that code into the index.main.php, do your posts come back?
Yes it is working now. I understand it a little more now.
I'm now trying to clean up the sidebar. If i delete some widgets in the blogsettings screen, can i add them later if i need them again ?
Glad its working for you.
If i delete some widgets in the blogsettings screen, can i add them later if i need them again ?
Yes. In the Widgets tab, you can see that you can Move, Edit, or Remove widgets in your sidebar. Should you want to add a different one, or get one back, just click the "Add Widget" button (little green plus sign) and you'll get a list of widgets you can add in to that section.
ksherwi wrote:
Yes. In the Widgets tab, you can see that you can Move, Edit, or Remove widgets in your sidebar. Should you want to add a different one, or get one back, just click the "Add Widget" button (little green plus sign) and you'll get a list of widgets you can add in to that section.
It's working now. My homepage with the blog works ok now. Next is the rest of my website. How do i jump from my blog in the root, index.php, to an other page of my website. Can the index.php, from the blog control this for me ? Something like ...../index.php?disp....... i don't know exactly but i saw it on an other site.
JdKock wrote:
It's working now. My homepage with the blog works ok now. Next is the rest of my website. How do i jump from my blog in the root, index.php, to an other page of my website. Can the index.php, from the blog control this for me ? Something like ...../index.php?disp....... i don't know exactly but i saw it on an other site.
maybe this can help ;) ? :
[url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?p=67251#67251]Custom Pages using /index.php?disp=[/url]
jd. maybe you aren't done yet, but you should probably consider linking back to b2evolution.
ps. really dig the layout. color scheme is excellent. i like simplistic.
tilqicom wrote:
maybe this can help ;) ? :
[url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?p=67251#67251]Custom Pages using /index.php?disp=[/url]
Yes that works. But now i get my "About me" page with the sidebars, like my main page with the blog. That is not what i want.
The reason that i wanna use index.php for navigation is that i now have 2 style.css files. One in my root (for the about, links, contact...etc. pages) and the other in the myskin folder. How can i change that ?
An other thing is that i use the follow code to display the "Edit..." text in the footer of a message
$Item->edit_link( array(
'before' => '<div class="action_right"> • ',
'after' => '</div>',
'text' => T_('Edit...'),
'title' => T_('Edit title/description...'),
) );
But i now don't see the icon before the text "Edit...". Why not ?
JdKock wrote:
tilqicom wrote:
maybe this can help ;) ? :
[url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?p=67251#67251]Custom Pages using /index.php?disp=[/url]Yes that works. But now i get my "About me" page with the sidebars, like my main page with the blog. That is not what i want.
The reason that i wanna use index.php for navigation is that i now have 2 style.css files. One in my root (for the about, links, contact...etc. pages) and the other in the myskin folder. How can i change that ?An other thing is that i use the follow code to display the "Edit..." text in the footer of a message
$Item->edit_link( array(
'before' => '<div class="action_right"> • ',
'after' => '</div>',
'text' => T_('Edit...'),
'title' => T_('Edit title/description...'),
) );But i now don't see the icon before the text "Edit...". Why not ?
you dont need 2 css styles for static pages and your post pages, just change the display handlers of your inc/blog in _blog_main.inc.php..
but if you still want to change the stylesheets i am currently preparing a style switcher as simple as possible, it isn't that hard to switch stylesheets, however i dont have any idea how to switch to style#x automatically, if the page is a static page or else it is a post page.. i hope you wont need it anyway, just change your display handlers and edit your .._main.php accordingly..
btw, i really have to learn about that if/else statuses, i ll do great things soon if i can figure it out else i am screwed..
tilqicom I wonder why you would help someone who doesn't have the civil decency to provide a linkback to b2evolution?
EdB wrote:
tilqicom I wonder why you would help someone who doesn't have the civil decency to provide a linkback to b2evolution?
i didn't notice that ed, you should already know that how sensitive i am about the existence of a linkback.. i never get stuck how big it is, or whereand how it is placed but i would never give up standing up for the existence of it, that's the way it should be.. actually, i do take a look at the given links before providing any response, i ve criticized some people that way earlier but i guess i ve just missed it this time ( : anyway, i hope my answer will do good for him and let's hope he also would develop sth someday that he would not see his name anywhere of it, moreover another name instead, maybe, then he ll know (:
brandonh wrote:
jd. maybe you aren't done yet, but you should probably consider linking back to b2evolution..
Sorry about that. I'm not done yet but i did removed every stuff in the first place because i had some trouble with the layout. Now things are ok on the front page but not on the about page where i'm now working on.
I'm now looking at the form to send an email and the form to show the latest comments, i mean the page when you click the links in the footer.
How can i get the title "Send an email message" and "Latest comments" not totaly left but nice inside the box ?
To make the box around the content i made some changes to _comments.disp.php and _msgform.disp.php. But in which file i can change the title.
you removed the link to your site so there is no way for anyone to see what you're talking about.
brandonh wrote:
you removed the link to your site so there is no way for anyone to see what you're talking about.
Now i removed the line with the function posts_nav_link().
No error message but also no posts in my blog.