2 john May 13, 2008 13:25

Thanks, I think that's exactly what I was looking for.
All that stuff used to be in conf/_formatting.php
Let us know if you fixed it and what you tweaked if you did :)
It is fixed, thanks.
It's the same fix applied to older versions just in a different file.
The bit to look for is:
$comments_allowed_tags += array
'ins' => $C_E_Flow,
'del' => $C_E_Flow,
'a' => $C_E_a_content, // Allowing this will call for a whole lot of comment spam!!!
'span' => $C_E_Iinline,
'bdo' => $C_E_Iinline,
'br' => '',
'em' => $C_E_Iinline,
'strong' => $C_E_Iinline,
'dfn' => $C_E_Iinline,
'code' => $C_E_Iinline,
'samp' => $C_E_Iinline,
'kbd' => $C_E_Iinline,
'var' => $C_E_Iinline,
'cite' => $C_E_Iinline,
'abbr' => $C_E_Iinline,
'acronym' => $C_E_Iinline,
'q' => $C_E_Iinline,
'sub' => $C_E_Iinline,
'sup' => $C_E_Iinline,
'tt' => $C_E_Iinline,
'i' => $C_E_Iinline,
'b' => $C_E_Iinline,
'big' => $C_E_Iinline,
'small' => $C_E_Iinline,
To find this section just do a search in the file for "comment spam".
The line for 'a' is commented out by default. I've found it safe to ignore the warning about spam though, as long as I have the catpcha plugin I get f**k all spam on my b2evo blog.
Thanks for that... might be of value to some others
Try looking through the following....
inc -> xhtml_validator -> _xhtml_dtd.inc.php
Not sure about it but there is a lot of info there that can be tweaked