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1 May 17, 2008 21:48    

My b2evolution Version: 1.8.x

apparently using ff3 is breaking my post entry/edit form.. (css related?)

the input txt fields are out of the element and can't be displayed correctly..

here is an image showing how its broken:

The rendering is even worse in Opera... but displays correctly in ff2.x

I have attempted to edit the css with no change.. I've edited the _edit_form.php file as well with no results..

Where else in this mess of files should I be looking?

2 May 17, 2008 22:40

If your version is 1.8 it is old (2006-07-09) and obsolete

I recommend you upgrade to the latest 2.4.2 if possible.

3 May 17, 2008 22:46

would love too.. however we use a highly custom skin and have no time/resourses to port it to a newer ver atm.

anyone else?

4 May 18, 2008 00:37

I don't have a copy of the Admin for that version but you could look for admin skin css and something like...
div.edit_toolbars {
margin-top: 1ex;
width: 100%;

Change the "center" to "left" and you might get your buttons back

5 May 18, 2008 01:11

Sorry, but upgrading is the only workable answer. You are running an obsolete blog engine and a beta browser, so upgrade the blog engine or downgrade the browser.

Custom skins can be redone right? I mean, you're trying to customize something that wasn't and isn't needed now, so why not customize what you need to in a supported version of b2evolution?

6 May 18, 2008 02:13

perhaps.. but then again I'm of the mind 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'

I have DL'd the latest ver and will begin updating my skin and so forth on my dev server here.. hopefully it all goes well enough to update the live site..
until then we just need to find out where in these files we can edit to put these form input fields on separate lines instead of one after another on the same line.. (its one long line in opera, wraps a little in ff 3.x)


8 May 20, 2008 21:09

Thanks.. but i just ran the update to 2.4.2.. now I just need to figure out what all is new/different lol

thanks anyway.

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