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1 May 24, 2008 03:49    

EDIT (EdB): this poster is not real. See

2 May 30, 2008 20:13

So, umm... does anyone know the answers to these simple questions?

EDIT (EdB): Yes. We also know you are an ass. See

4 May 30, 2008 20:40

Apparently not all of them. Here's my best guess:
1. No idea.
2. Not possible within B2evo, but you could probably hack it to do so
3.See I think the _formatting.php tweak will do the trick for you.
4. I think you've understood what "Deprecate" does. I find it quite helpful for withdrawing comments/posts for various reasons, and then I can use 'Post' to republish them. If I want to change the date of the post/comment I can always do so by hand.

5 May 30, 2008 20:41

Oh, well spotted ¥. How ever did you work that out


6 May 30, 2008 20:45

filthio wrote:

Oh, well spotted ¥. How ever did you work that out

Pure luck ;)


7 May 30, 2008 21:08

Sounds like everything from [url=]kummabel[/url] and [url=]bugme[/url] (when that login gets used) ought to be moved to the spamhaus ... and (of course) ignored.

Periodically checking will also help identify other users that are a total waste of time.

Locking, knowing that all mods can unlock as they see fit.

EDIT: add [url=]bobielue[/url] to the list of false names.

8 May 30, 2008 21:17

I actually considered creating a new "I'd be a muppet but then you'd bug me" group .... but it'd trash the forum skin :(


9 May 30, 2008 21:22

Hey let's play with them. Like, TOTALLY bogus answers that always end with "or you could register and login with a real account that is really yours and get a real answer" or some such.

A group for them would be cool so that we would know without having to remember the list.

Nice resource too by the way: the bugmenot list I mean.

10 May 30, 2008 21:59

How cool, "Unbugged" fits :D

I'll have to remember to move the other users into it ;)


EdB wrote:

Hey let's play with them. Like, TOTALLY bogus answers that always end with "or you could register and login with a real account that is really yours and get a real answer" or some such.

Hehehe, maybe we should help them recode their dashboard.funcs.php to show :

kill the spyware wrote:

worpress blog running php9, mysql 1.2 with 1Kb of memory and no user/group

11 Jun 02, 2008 16:47

Hey guess what! There's another bugmenot login available!!!

Username: WARNING: forum folks are real jerks,
Password: will no longer respond to BugMeNot users
Other: see for proof:

The tinyurl points to THIS THREAD!

So listen up bugmenot users: *I* use bugmenot quite frequently, but NEVER to post something that I would like an answer to. I use it to access sites that want a login for tracking purposes only. Like news sites for example. Places where I will NOT be posting anything - no comments, no questions, no feedback.

This forum is for discussion about YOUR b2evolution installation. It is a discussion about problems you're having or possibly cool stuff you are doing that you feel like sharing with the rest of the b2evolution community. If you actually think that you can join the conversation anonymously you're dead wrong.

13 Jun 07, 2008 01:00

By the way you can go to that page and vote for the login you like. I picked the most recent one so everyone who happens to use bugmenot in that fashion will see how popular it is ;)

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