2 robbybarbaro May 29, 2008 05:18

Basically anything blogspot can do, b2evolution can do better.
As to links with names instead of seeing the link, that's easy. You pick the blog you're using for posting into then make another blog that you call, for example, linkblog. In your linkblog you make posts using someone's name as the post title and the URL as the "Link to URL" field. Back on the first blog (the one you are actually blogging in) you tell it to use your shiny new linkblog as the linkblog.
Everything else in the sidebar on that blogspot blog looks like it can be done with either a free html widget, or maybe a bit of custom php work. The comic in the footer can also be done with a free html widget probably, depending on exactly what the whole deal with it is.
All of this stuff is actually very easy but it doesn't automagically make sense the minute you install the software. You should take some time to check out the online manual ("Docs" link above) and search the forums a bit for info you're curious about. Also visiting some b2evolution blogs is a good idea to see what groovy stuff people are doing with their blog. http://b2evolution.net/about/userblogs.php shows a bunch of blogs that ... aw heck I have no idea what the list is. More or less it is recently updated, but no one really knows for sure how recently or if all blogs are there or not. But anyway it shows a bunch of b2evolution blogs so you can get an idea of what is possible with the only blog app you'll ever need.
To clarify my question, this is what I am looking for:
On the right side she has all kinds of various segments.
Independent from her posts she has segments titled:
• Before/After
• Daily Health & Happiness Log
• Great Blogs
• Must Reads
• Must Read Links
• Blog Archive
• And a comic that stays at the bottom all the time.
Can I do this with b2evolution?