2 john May 29, 2008 06:43

So basically it's easy but it's not *exactly* easy. You seem to be close: put the users in a group that has permission to post in a blog that has the categories you want them to be able to post in. The tricky part is making sure you really do have them set up that way. Like, there is a place somewhere to say "has a visible link to the admin area" that you have to check. Once you get all the tidbits set up for the group then any user in the group will be able to post in the categories in the blog(s) you've given the group permissions for.
Using a different browser, register on your blog. Then on your preferred browser put the new you in the group, and back on the other browser see what you get to do. Tinker this way a bit and eventually you'll say "aha! This is the permissions setup I need".
Thanks Ed So chasing my tail was kind of getting it do.. I have been using 2 differnt browsers to git this figured..humm.. Now tell me.. once I have caught my tail.. Lets suppose that Problems and Solutions has no posts.. will i get a box that says.. add a post or do I have to start looking for an way to enter the post??? How am I going to know that I caught my tail???
OH thanks Jogn.. don;t know why the double post.. I guess its just a plague of dialup..
Got link where we can see this work in progress?
Basically it's easy: once a blogger has permission to post in a blog (which means any category in that/those blog/s) then they will be able to post no matter what is or isn't in any given category. If the blog is empty (no posts in any categories in the blog) then the public side of the blog says "sorry there is no post to display". That won't affect what you see on the admin side one bit though.
Hope it helps!
sure here you go..
And I have seen that "Sorry No posts..." now this is where I git lost.. I "new User" want to make a post.. But I cant find the magic button to do that..
but I will keep looking.. I know that black hole can be found..:-P
Make sure the group for your bloggers has a visible link to the admin area - which seems to be the case because I see "Log in" along the top row, then make sure they have access to the back office (admin area). I'll assume you've found that because I don't know where it is offhand and don't really feel looking for it.
Anyway like I said: once the person registers and you give them permission to post and they go to the back office (admin area) they will be able to post.
Okay I found it. On your Users tab, click the name of the group you will be putting bloggers into, then select "Visible Link". After that it can't be any easier ... after you do it once anyway.
By the way I don't see a "Register" link anywhere, so no one will be able to register. I think the checkbox to enable registering is on the Global Settings tab, first subtab.
Thanks EdB ..
OK I seemed to have that done..Whew What a drama for such a tiny mind..
If I am following things here.. there are some things that I don't want a newbie to have access to so changing that in the Group permissions will solve this?? now that's my thought.. This I can tinker with..
In Netscape 9 I did get this error message at the top lin of the browser
Undefined index: text in D:\inetpub\vhosts\cloisterbooks.com\httpdocs\blogs\skins_adm\_adminUI_general.class.php on line 762
Not sure what the meaning..
The Register Link I guess is under the login tab.. unless I was just to add the code to some place on the sidebar That I can do.. I was just going to dierect the user to the Login tab..
I think what my brain was doing last night. was I got scared when I saw the Admin button on the right side.. and when I get overloaded with stuff.. I begin to bang my head against the screen and never see what is really stairing right in my face..
Many thanks for the guidance out of the dark woods..
I think now I have 99% of the bugs out..of my creating..LOL.. Now I just have to figure out how to explain all this to a very limited English speaking population..
Airwreck wrote:
... In Netscape 9 I did get this error message ...
Wow I didn't even know there was still a Netscape browser to get errors in! See if you have a problem with either Firefox or Internet Explorer before worrying about it. Start a new topic if you have a problem in a more common/normal browser.
Airwreck wrote:
... Now I just have to figure out how to explain all this to a very limited English speaking population.
Show them. Find one interested blogger and show them. Much easier that way yah?
By the way you are correct in that tinkering with permissions will let you deny some stuff to the group for your bloggers. This is why it is good to use multiple browsers for yourself: one for admin and one for "you pretending to be a blogger" so that you will know what your bloggers can and can't do. Obviously you could do it with one browser, but that would mean logging in and out and in and out many times as you learn stuff.
LOL... Yeah there is still a Netscape.. 9 is the last.. and I have test driven FireFox.. hated it.. I'm an Opera user.. I don't get any errors in Opera. The only way you will ever get me to use Internet Exploder is Kicking and screaming to the Electric Chair.. :lol:
Yeah there inlies the dilemma.. Getting them to use to it... I have a few ideas as to who would fit the catigory of interested Blogger.. But many of them are scared becuase they have such a poor command of the English language..
Thaks again..I kowtow to the master
What is the preferred language where you are, and have you seen if a translation exists to that language, and if not would you like to know how easy it is to make a localization?
That too would be a new topic yah? So if there is no translation for your preferred language and you want to learn about translating let's talk about it in the Internationalization & Translation forum (or whatever it's called).
Girn... The preferred languague is Sign Language... I am working with the Deaf.. Don't think there is a Translation for that here..What makes English so diffcult is they have never heard it..and we as native speakers have so many idioms and a syntax that is baffleing to a deaf mind.. who thinks in images..
I understood about the deaf part but I figured when you a relatively poor command of English in regards to a blog app I thought that meant writing English. b2evolution shows up in English by default but can be just about any written language one wants it to be in. Technically there is like 5 flavors of English too - for the different ways to do date and time stuff. And which day of the week the calendar starts on.
So yeah your best bet, assuming written English is fine, is to show someone what they can do with a blog. Someone not already hip to the idea of blogging I mean.
Note: I have deleted your duplicate post on this subject.