2 yabba May 30, 2008 19:19

Hello ¥åßßå,
Thanks for your prompt reply.
I've created a new blog, it is blog 9 and I've called it 'all' and I aggregated the other blogs to it.
Next I've tried this in _coll_search_form.widget.php:
<input type="hidden" name="blog" value="9" />
but it does not work.
I also tried changing:
form_formstart( $Blog->gen_blogurl(), 'search', 'SearchForm' );
form_formstart( 'http://localhost/blog/index.php/all', 'search', 'SearchForm' );
and it does work ok but I get the results in the new blog and the widget 'Category list' displays all categories of all the bogs, making the list too long and mixing blogs in the widget.
¿Is there a way to get the results in the same blog that you search from?
Thanks again
[url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=15593]Advanced Search[/url]
[ All ] - to search in all public blogs.
Leave empty to search in current blog only.
Doesn't this do good for ya ?
the widget 'Category list' displays all categories of all the bogs, making the list too long and mixing blogs in the widget.
Unfortunately Advanced search does the same thing with categories widget, this is how aggregated blog works.
I will make a new disp=search page for search results only. But I want to finish upgrading my UserBlog plugin to b2evo 2.x first
sam2kb wrote:
the widget 'Category list' displays all categories of all the bogs, making the list too long and mixing blogs in the widget.
this is how aggregated blog works.
yea and also category displaying plugins dont work for aggregated blog :/ so i try to make as less cats as possible, hope it can be done some time
Edit the line 145 in inc\widgets\widgets_coll_category_list.widget.php
if( empty($aggregate_coll_IDs) || isset($_GET['in_blogs']) )
sam2kb wrote:
Edit the line 145 in inc\widgets\widgets_coll_category_list.widget.php
if( empty($aggregate_coll_IDs) || isset($_GET['in_blogs']) )
and what is that supposed to be :) :(
It cures the Category list widget and it doesn't display categories from all aggregated blogs if you use Search in Blogs option.
Edit the line 145 in inc\widgets\widgets_coll_category_list.widget.php
if( empty($aggregate_coll_IDs) || isset($_GET['in_blogs']) )
The widget still displays all categories in all blogs :(
Do you use Advanced search widget on aggregated blog?
You must put it in regular blog and set blog IDs in widget settings.
sam2kb wrote:
It cures the Category list widget and it doesn't display categories from all aggregated blogs if you use Search in Blogs option.
oh thank you, i dont need such a thing, i want my 12 blogs to act as 1 (:
You'd need to create an aggregate blog and then change the search to search that blog in a similar way to how the old hacks work