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1 Jun 07, 2008 12:11    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x

I've been messing with V2.4 and I see I can set up adding <object> tag easily. However, I can't do anything else I used to do easily so I'm sticking with version 1.10. This means I have to hack the formatting.php file to allow adding the tags <object> and <script> needed to copy in various media objects.

The formatting.php file does my head in. Can't get to grips with it. I've got a coder looking at it but he is struggling too.

Can anyone give me a tippoff about how to get those tags through the barrier.

2 Jun 07, 2008 14:48

I dont want to mislead you however afaik it is not about formatting.php but it's rather about permissions.

If you dont have advanced perms enabled, enable it than under group perms tab clicking on the administors group , or which group you are in and remove those protection filters.Or if you have multiple authors in administors group create another only for yourself and remove them all for yourself, this should cure it.


3 Jun 07, 2008 16:16

Thank you but my question is HOW DO I ALTER formatting.php IN VERSION 1.10 to allow <script> and <object> tags

Your screenshot is version 2 - I know how to do it in Version 2 - I want to allow these tags in version 1.10

4 Jun 07, 2008 18:48

stevet wrote:

Your screenshot is version 2 - I know how to do it in Version 2 - I want to allow these tags in version 1.10

stevet wrote:

I've been messing with V2.4 and I see I can set up adding <object> tag easily. However, I can't do anything else I used to do easily so I'm sticking with version 1.10.

I thought this was your reason not to upgrade to 2.x.. So i ve tried to offer a solution to that so that you would upgrade to 2x. Anyway, give 2x a try at a shortest time, you dont have anything to loose when you have a proper backup in the end

5 Jun 07, 2008 18:54

sorry, I must not have made it clear

It is indeed a very good reason to upgrade but at present it is the ONLY one as I find everything else not to my liking

so -- sadly I'm looking for the solution in 1.10

6 Jun 07, 2008 21:45

You sound a tad like Scott .. he wants to keep his hard coded pastel palace so intact that he's mired on 1.9.x ;)

What do you need to get working in 2.x that's more difficult than playing with _formatting.php ( most of which is now buried in the inc folder somewhere .... but that's just a red herring ;) ) ?


7 Jun 07, 2008 22:25

whatever I sound like (and I admire Scotts work) I have a job to do and b2 evo has thus far been a valuable tool to help me do that.

I have no desire to get into version debates (my version is better than yours - it's a bit like Mac vs PC) but I asked a question relating to 1.10 and thus far I am only getting V2 answers. OK so V2 will get beyond my issue but it adds other issues I don't want.

To be perfectly frank, I don't like V2. In terms of widgetisation does it better. This B2 V2 version is not suitable for my purposes which is to introduce ordinary dudes to blogging. If Scott doesn't like it I'm with him. Furthemore my most favourite plugin - Baluptin's gallery doesn't work in it either.

My question was - how can I allow the <script> and <object> tag in version 1.10. If any non elititist versionist bod has the answer I'd be delighted to hear it

8 Jun 07, 2008 22:41

I'm sorry you see me as elitist, that wasn't my intent, what I was asking was what problems do you have that are bigger then playing with _formatting.php.

I'd have to dig out an old zip of 1.10.x before I could begin to tell you how to add the tags, but it's easily doable ... weirdly, I was under the impression that all the "allow object/script/et al" was already in 1.10x :-S

Scotts only putting off upgrading because he's like really ancient and shit .... not quite as ancient as his install, but he's getting there :|

My question is, can you wait until I can be arsed digging up a 1.10.x version of the code ( it really will all be "untested" solutions that I post though ) ?


9 Jun 07, 2008 22:55

my problems greater than messing with formatting.php are that V2 does not do what I want to do in the way I want to do it

10 Jun 07, 2008 23:02

I'm gonna sound like a 2.x.x nazi ... but ... so far all you've said is "my headaches are worse than this immediate problem" ... but you've not actually told us what your headaches are.

The good news is, the sun has set and my cat is snoring ... no surprise there, it snores even when the sun is shining, it's kinda what cats do

When I get chance I'll meander through a 1.10.x version of _formatting.php and try and give you a solution that doesn't involve me looking down my ( recently upgraded ) 2.x.x nose ;)


11 Jun 07, 2008 23:15

I've not said anything of the kind

however it is late here s0o I will reitterate my problem tomorrow

12 Jun 08, 2008 01:41

Personally I think v2.* is pretty much crap in many different directions. Skinning is a freakin joke now. Where great depth and diversity was easily obtainable by editing files, bland and boring similarities abound with the convenience of widgets in containers. Fortunately containers CAN be bent to your will, and, more importantly, widgets can be called directly.

The back office is way complicated even though in many regards it is a much cleaner/smoother/nicer interface for all the various doodads the back office needs to manage. One particular improvement over everything previous is that edit permission is no longer automagically granted to everyone and their brother just for being a member of a blog.

Oh and the spam in the footer is a complete disgrace. To follow that with what I consider spyware on your dashboard page makes the footer spam seem almost acceptable.

Having said that: EVERY installation I run (except one) is using 2.4.2 because there is simply no *valid* reason to not upgrade the software. Much like issues with EVERY version that ever was: you hack it to do what you need done. Much less core hacking happens in 2.4.2 than ever before, so that's a big win in my book. Just to close out the "except one" bit: that one installation is about 90% static pages and therefore will be replaced with something entirely different ... or good old fashioned html pages.

BACK TO YOUR QUESTION: I can not imagine this hasn't already been covered. Probably several times. Just because it's a new-to-you question doesn't mean it is new for a version that is almost a year old. Have you searched the forums for your answer? Personally I won't crack open 1.* files or try to find old answers. It's just not worth it is the thing.

13 Jun 08, 2008 08:29

I did search edb but could not find it although I agree it musta been covered before in the days when V1 ruled. To everyone, I'm sorry for my intemperate remarks yesterday. a) I was drinking b) I was frustrated to find software I really rate no longer does the thing I really rated it for. Again I echo your comments Ed, the really cool thing pre V2 was the ability to bend the skin to your liking.

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