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1 Jun 15, 2008 03:41    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x

For some reason, I just noticed that my email notification of new comments for my posts aren't working. I didn't receive an auto email to notify me of my latest post so I tested it and again it didn't email. Does anyone know of this problem and a fix?

One other info of note is that the one comment was from a person that previously posted and the test was from a "guest" but on the same ip address as me.

I'd appreciate any help on this. Thanks in advance.

2 Jun 15, 2008 15:26

Update- realized that the email function for "contact" doesn't work as well. Looks like emails generated by b2 don't work. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

4 Jun 15, 2008 16:48


thanks for the link. i didn't implement your suggestion just yet but I did find the problem thanks to your first paragraph. i realized it's a google aps vs email from the webhost thing. when i signed up for google aps, i reset the mx to direct to google and deleted the email account i had through my own host because it would have been redundant. when i did this, it effectively disabled emailing from b2. of course, the google aps email does work for everything except b2. so i just recreated the very same email account (bringing back the redundancy) that i use for b2 on my own host and gave a forwarding address for it. this then solves (at least temporarily) the emailing through b2 issue. i also realized that it doesn't, in any, affect the google aps email of the very same address...weird....

i assume that if i want my b2 to work w/ google, i would have to change the code to direct to google. not sure i want to mess w/ a relatively minor issue but wanted to post this for all to know just in case you're messing with google aps email on your domain.

thanks again.

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