1 cache_adic Jun 15, 2008 17:57
3 cache_adic Jun 17, 2008 16:15
Thanks. I do not know if I need this enough to have to keep re-uploading and starting over. I had already created new graphics and such.
4 filthio Jun 17, 2008 19:14
If you keep the graphics on your local machine you should be able to upload them again simply enough.
But if you've already done some configuration does this mean that the installation used to work? If so, there may be hope. What exactly were you doing when the error occurred, and what was working before?
5 yabba Jun 17, 2008 19:18
Might also be worth upping the memory limit in /conf/_advanced.php
Also, don't re-upload the same files, grab a fresh copy of the zip
6 cache_adic Jun 18, 2008 19:09
no it did not work from the start, I just kept adding graphics to the server hoping I would find out a single file to re-upload.
Not sure that upping memory via /conf/_advanced.php would help but I'll give it another shot.
7 filthio Jun 18, 2008 20:05
If it was never working then frankly, you've nothing to lose by starting again completely. Try the advice of ¥ and in the unlikely event of that proving fruitless, just start again and reupload your graphics later when it's all fixed.
Re-upload everything. Yes, everything, even if you already did.
It's a pain, but you'd be surprised how often a bit gets left behind.
Also, if that doesn't work, tell us what version you're using, and exactly what you were doing when the error appeared.