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1 Jun 21, 2008 08:13    

My b2evolution Version: 2.0.x

Could someone please take a look at my new "custom" blog that I am trying to insert into my template and tell me what I'm missing? I spent several hours on this tonight. I know the CSS isn't done yet, but I need to get rid of the:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/corners/public_html/blogs/skins/basic/index.main.php:3) in /home/corners/public_html/blogs/inc/skins/_skin.funcs.php on line 383

at the top of my page located at:

Thank you.

2 Jun 21, 2008 16:03

Always helps to get a good nights sleep and start anew in the morning. I figured it out.

I was trying to paste the entire code directly into a cell in my web page. The trick is to select all of the code before <head> and paste it before <head> in my web page. The same for the code within the <head> - paste this within the <head> portion of the template. Take the rest of the code between the <html> tags and paste this into the cell.

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