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1 Jun 30, 2008 02:32    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.3

My subscribers are not receiving notifications on new posts. I subscribed myself just to see and I can verify that upon posting b2 is "saying" that the notifications were sent out to each subscribed user - but no emails are received by anyone for new posts although notification do go out for comments.

Can someone point me to where I should be looking to resolve this problem?

I have already checked user profile subscription settings
I can verify my server does send out emails on comments so outbound email is not being blocked
I have verified that b2 is stating that the notifications are actually being sent
I have verified that the RSS feeds are showing the new posts

2 Jul 04, 2008 09:05

It will be hard to find help with 1.anything if you are actually using 1.10.3 because most of us who play are using 242 or thereabouts. BUT this is a really annoying problem that has affected almost everything since the dawn of time.

The thing is that different mails come through different methods, resulting in some working and some not - and some of the "not working" are actually being sent but being caught by a spam trap.

So the thing is a list of what emails are actually working and which ones aren't including a check of any and all spam traps is really helpful. NOTE that this doesn't mean I know the answer!!! All I know is what I've noticed on the forums and that is that all mails work for some and some mails work for most and every now and then no mails work at all. Methinks it be partially b2evo and partially the host and partially the recipient's spam trap, but I don't really know.

3 Apr 04, 2009 10:22

I'm using version 2.4.6.

I didn't understand that response. I don't even know how to check to see if a notice has been sent.

I have the user info checked to get e-mail notification of posts (both on the blog general and the user info), but we are not getting them. I checked my spambox and they aren't there, either.

Did I not do something else to set up notifications, like make a form letter or something (not that I know how to do that, either)?

This group is a private one since it's for my family to keep in touch with one another. I can see where that would make RSS not work, but e-mail should work... shouldn't it?


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