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1 Jul 05, 2008 16:24    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x


I thought I transferred posts and comments from my old location to my b2evolution file. However, when I try to open a post (and its associated comments) I wrote using Blogger from my b2evolution Admin page, I receive the following error message:

An unexpected error has occured!
If this error persits, please report it to the administrator.
Go back to home page
Additional information about this error:
Requested User does not exist!

If you go to or

and use the "Find" or "Search" to look up posts with the word "creek" for example, you will get a list of 28 posts with the word "creek"

If you click on post 28 for example, you will receive the error message I included in the previous email. (The error message begins at post 13.)

I think I can only search for posts and comments written with the b2evolution software even though I migrated the posts written with

My web host found the following error

[Fri Jul 04 12:07:06 2008] [error] [client] b2evolution error: Requested User does not exist! in /home/ecology/public_html/blogs/inc/_core/model/dataobjects/_dataobjectcache.class.php at line 437 / REQUEST_URI: /blogs/index.php?blog=2&s=creek&paged=28 / HTTP_REFERER:, referer:

Thank you.
- ecology

2 Jul 05, 2008 17:20

I have a feeling that all your posts have been imported with a author_ID of zero.

Easiest solution is to update all null/empty/zero author_ID's in evo_items__item using PhpMyAdmin ( or your DB editor of choice )


3 Jul 05, 2008 21:37


Where do I find evo_items__item within my php admin?

4 Jul 09, 2008 00:28

I found phpadmin in my cpanel.

Can you or someone else provide the command to update my author_IDs?


5 Jul 09, 2008 09:04

I don't have a 1.10.x db schema lying around so you probably need to play with the following to get it to work

UPDATE evo_items__item SET post_creator_user = 1, post_last_edit_user_ID = 1 WHERE ISNULL( post_creator_user_ID )


6 Jul 10, 2008 04:18

I have v. 2.4.2 - *thanks* for code but it has not worked for me. I get this error msg:

#1146 - Table 'ecology_plst1.evo_items__item' doesn't exist

7 Jul 10, 2008 11:06

By any chance have you changed your table prefix ( the evo_ bit ) ? If so you need to change the sql I gave you to suit.


8 Jul 11, 2008 05:10

I don't think so but I'll investigate. Thanks for the heads up.

9 Jul 17, 2008 01:30

Previous table issue has been resolved, but now I get the following error:


SQL query:

UPDATE evo_items__item SET post_creator_user =1,
post_last_edit_user_ID =1 WHERE ISNULL( post_creator_user_ID )

MySQL said: Documentation
#1054 - Unknown column 'post_creator_user' in 'field list'

Any solutions?

10 Jul 17, 2008 01:44

additional information: my post_lastedit_user_ID = 1. So I think I might need to change post_parent_ID or post_assigned_user_ID which are all NULL.

Here is a list of some of the table columns

post_creator_user_ID post_lastedit_user_ID post_assigned_user_ID


11 Jul 17, 2008 03:52

UPDATE evo_items__item SET post_creator_user_ID =1,
post_last_edit_user_ID =1 WHERE ISNULL( post_creator_user_ID )

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