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1 Jul 13, 2008 11:33    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Cannot post comment, please correct these errors:
Parser error: XML_ERR_NAME_REQUIRED near en't been visiting di

[Back to comment editing]

user sent me this error message through mail ..

what went wrong there

2 Jul 13, 2008 11:43

b2evo irc channel wrote:

--> ameo (n=ameo@###.###.###.###) has joined #b2evolution
<ameo> Cannot post comment, please correct these errors:
<ameo> Parser error: XML_ERR_NAME_REQUIRED near en't been visiting di
<ameo> [Back to comment editing]
<ameo> hello ??
<-- ameo (n=ameo@###.###.###.###) has left #b2evolution

Could I just point out that it's considered a smidge discorteous to meander into irc and post an error message without even waiting to see what's going on in the room or even saying hello?


3 Jul 13, 2008 11:49

sorry ¥åßßå
i always prefer irc for support issues but after i sent the hello part i was disconnected coz of electricity blackout in my hood ,

but also i have to mention that , irc chat is somehow slow these days

4 Jul 13, 2008 11:55

I think you misunderstood me. It's considered polite to say hello, see if anyone happens to be in the middle of anything and then ask for help with your problem.

IRC happens to be a smidge quiet because it's Sunday and very few people who visit actually provide support.

Without further details it's pretty hard to guess at what caused the error, you might like to email the user back and ask for more details like :

1) what post were they commenting on]
2) what was the ( exact ) content of the comment that failed
3) have they ( personally ) ever had a problem commenting on the same blog before
4) if not then did they do anything different this time


5 Jul 13, 2008 23:10

thanks ¥åßßå ..
i can't really defend myself in the manners thing /
i know i should have said "hello" first ..
so thanks for letting me know

anyway , I've contacted that user asking for the data you've listed ..
will get his reply here once i get it ..

thanks again and sorry for that first thing

6 Jul 14, 2008 07:34

No worries, we all have our off days ;)


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