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1 Jul 22, 2008 23:03    

My b2evolution Version: 2.4.x

I would like users to goto a specific page (or blog) after they login.

How do I do this?

2 Jul 23, 2008 00:03

Open in your skin and add the following

if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

if( is_logged_in() && !isset( $_COOKIE['already_redirected'] ) )
	setcookie( 'already_redirected', md5(time()) );
	header_redirect( 'http://location' );

global $xmlsrv_url;

This will redirect users to http://location

3 Jul 23, 2008 07:38


5 Jul 27, 2008 08:53

Using v 2.4.2

This didnt work for me. Users continued to be sent to whichever page they'd logged in from. I added above code to my /myskin/

Am I missing something?

Also, if someone could tell me what I could do to which code where to redirect users who have requested a password change to their "front of blog" profile rather than the back office one that would be great. As it is Ive customised the "Access Denied" page so its more like a "Where are you wanting to go?"
Still creates confusing extra steps for Users though.

Thank you,

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