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1 Jul 27, 2008 22:37    

I was trying to make a plugin that would show me posts that i made on the exact day in history.

I wanted this :
# 1 year ago (link to all posts from same day as now 1 year ago)
# 2 year ago (link to all posts from same day as now 2 year ago)
# 3 year ago (link to all posts from same day as now 3 year ago)
# 4 year ago (link to all posts from same day as now 4 year ago)
# 5 year ago: we wrote nothing
# 6 year ago (link to all posts from same day as now 6 year ago)
# 7 year ago: we wrote nothing

I managed to write the sql (I manage to get the exact result in phpmyadmin) but I'm not able to make it into an actual widget.

$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT post_ID , post_title, post_urltitle
FROM T_items__item
WHERE DATE_FORMAT(T_items__item.post_datestart, '%m') = month(now()) 
AND   DATE_FORMAT(T_items__item.post_datestart, '%d') = day(now()) 	
AND   DATE_FORMAT(T_items__item.post_datestart, '%y') < year(now())	
ORDER BY T_items__item.post_datestart  DESC
LIMIT ".$params['history_posts_limit'];

I adapted ministats from Danny, I wrote it from scratch... nothing seems to work.

Can some of you wonderpeople manage this for me ?

2 Jul 28, 2008 12:32

See if this gets you started ;)

function SkinTag( $params )
	global $Blog;
	$timestamp_min = mysql2timestamp(  date( 'Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime( '-1 year' ) ) );
	$timestamp_max = mysql2timestamp(  date( 'Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime( '-1 year' ) ) );

	$HistoryList = new ItemList2( $Blog, $timestamp_min, $timestamp_max, 999999 );
	// do whatever you like with $HistoryList


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