1 padresol Jul 31, 2008 02:33
3 padresol Jul 31, 2008 05:17
sam2kb wrote:
You can edit the evo_postcats table
UPDATE evo_postcats SET postcat_cat_ID = X WHERE postcat_post_ID > Y;
Cool, thanks. Maybe I'll try to figure out how to put a menu around this, it would make for a useful feature. I wonder if anyone else thinks that it would be useful?
4 edb Jul 31, 2008 06:07
Actually category (and sub category) selection when doing "Make posts" sounds better than an after-the-fact correction.
5 padresol Jul 31, 2008 06:52
EdB wrote:
Actually category (and sub category) selection when doing "Make posts" sounds better than an after-the-fact correction.
I agree with that. I guess what I was trying to say was that it would be a nice feature so as not to have to run sql commands.
I agree the "Make posts" seems like the logical place.
6 sam2kb Jul 31, 2008 08:48
I thought you already made those 100 posts :p
I should read more carefully...
7 padresol Jul 31, 2008 16:53
sam2kb, you read that right. And that sql worked fine.
The discussion is about creating a feature, preferably to "Make posts" that would allow category selection for the posts. Maybe radio buttons along-side each image.
I'm not of much help yet as I don't understand how b2 is layed out.
You can edit the evo_postcats table
X - New category ID
Y - Starting post ID
Let's say you have 20 posts and you want to edit last 5
Don't forget to backup the database