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1 Aug 06, 2008 22:18    

My b2evolution Version: 2.4.2


after upgrading, the "Category list" widget does not display
the number of postings within each category anymore.

How can I restore the old behaviour of 1.9 ?

Regards, Sven

2 Aug 08, 2008 20:00

Hmm, anybody?

To illustrate, have a look at my blog, see the
"Kategorien" widget at the right side.

Regards, Sven

3 Aug 08, 2008 20:19

Hi Sven67. I'm pretty certain that the number of posts in each category has been removed from the core due to the load that detail put on your server. Like, to optimize performance something that took gobs of power to provide a small (though popular) detail was removed. I do not recall seeing a hack or plugin that would restore this feature.

To my mind it *could* be done by incrementing the number of posts in each category at posting time (and incrementing or decrementing when a post is edited) instead of counting up the posts each time the category list is displayed, but - alas - it has not been done.

4 Aug 08, 2008 21:50

From the viewpoint of the database the Category holds no Posts. Rather the Post is 'member' of a Category. So if you want to know how many posts a category holds you will have to run through all posts, check the category and finally count. That would be consuming.

I expect this to be possible in a future version.

5 Aug 08, 2008 22:22

It used to do it is the thing, so this is something that was but is no more. I'm pretty sure at the time it was removed the server load was identified as the issue.

Much better to have a field for each category that tracks how many posts have that category selected and increment/decrement as you post and edit posts so that the server load is only when the back office is in business instead of when the page is being requested. The drawback is how to get all the current info for an existing blog, though really that's probably not much of a difficulty if this was a new plugin being created. Like, oninstall of the plugin go through every category counting how many posts use it, then forever after simply inc/dec as need be.

6 Aug 10, 2008 22:50


That's no good news. Even if it was a performance issue.
The feature was quite useful IMHO.

Regards, Sven

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