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1 Aug 11, 2008 18:56    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

when I try to post (from ScribeFire) I get the following error.

Error with request, the server sent back the following response:

"Invalid post contents, please correct these errors:
Illegal CSS markup found: class= //
Illegal object markup found: </embed //
(Note: To get rid of the above validation warnings, you can deactivate unwanted validation rules in your Group settings.)"

Please help me deactivate the appropriate validation rules, in an easy to understand way ;)

Thank you,

2 Aug 11, 2008 19:29

Hi Timber,

Goto Dashboard -> Users. Click on the link Administrators. In Blogging permissions change "XHTML validation: Force valid XHTML + strong security" to "Basic security checking" and do the same with 'XHTML validation on XML-RPC calls:'
In fact I think you can get away with changing only the latter but you should test that yourself.

Good luck

3 Aug 11, 2008 19:56

Thank you Afwas,

It didn't help as that was the settings already, but I found the solution at the same location.

I've turned off the Security Filters for CSS and Object.

That did the trick.

Thank you for guiding me to the right spot.


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