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1 Aug 14, 2008 16:44    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Ok guys im a complete novice at this, here is the site im building

All i want to do is create more links at the top where it says Home Contact and i wish to add Gallery and Store and so on.

Im sure you can help its probably just me being blind!

cheers guys


2 Aug 14, 2008 16:56

well i say one more thing im sure there will be alot more

is it possible to edit the template so i can use my own header picture ?

3 Aug 14, 2008 18:47

Hi sumotwb. Welcome to the forums.

So yeah you can add links up there. It's pretty easy once you get to know how it does it's thing. Basically what you get used to is that widgets go in containers, so all you gotta do is know which container that is and what widget to put in it.

Go to your Blog settings tab, pick a blog, then go to the widgets subtab. Chances are you've got a container called "Menu". In that container you've got a couple of widgets. One of them probably says "Blog home link (Blog owner contact form link)", which would be the "Blog home link" widget that happens to have "contact form" selected as what it will link to.

Now glance over to the right of the word "Menu" and click on "add widget >>". There you see a list of all the widgets in the world. Well, all the widgets in the b2evolution world ;) For adding stuff like a link to a gallery or a store you will probably want to use a "free html" widget, and I think you will have to tell it to make it be a list item. Meaning in the free html widget you would add

<li><a href="whatever" title="link to whatever">click here for something</a></li>

Or maybe you would do it without the LI bits ... dunno for sure.

To use your own image the easiest way is to just replace the stock one with your own. The path to that image is skins/terrafirma/img/a10.jpg, so grab your favorite 458 by 92 pixel image and save it as a10.jpg and replace the existing one with yours. Ta-da!

4 Aug 14, 2008 18:51

Yeah for sure you want to put the LI bits in there. It'll look okay without 'em but it'll be crappy code. Everyone loves uncrappy code right?

5 Aug 14, 2008 19:28

thankyou very much it worked great. perhaps you could pont me in the direction of some good reading material so i can harness b2eveolutions full power.

6 Aug 14, 2008 19:39

i have another question already!

Ok say if i want to write a little bio and i have the link in the menu and i want it to be displayed below how would i go about achiving this?

7 Aug 14, 2008 20:05

To do that you select "page" from the little drop-down box for post type when you're writing your bio. THEN you add the "page list" widget ;)

So some good reading material eh? hmmm... Oh I know one: all the default posts you get if you leave the box for "put in the default blogs and posts" checked when you do your installation! You might have unchecked that box, but maybe you could create another installation in a folder named something like "learning" so that you could read through that stuff AND tinker on it to see how it all works.

BTW I think "just play with it" is the best way to learn, but that's not for everyone so there you go.

Also do search the forums for what you need. Lots of times answers are already here, though sometimes it is hard to know exactly what search terms to use.

And let's not forget about the wiki manual linked as "Docs" up above. The drawback there is that sometimes old stuff is still there so it'll be saying stuff that doesn't make sense for your version.

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