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1 Aug 19, 2008 16:31    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I'm using the evocamp skin and would like to change the wording from "send feedback" to "add comment". I've been through the style sheet and all the php files and cant find where to make the change.


2 Aug 19, 2008 17:26

SalG wrote:

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I'm using the evocamp skin and would like to change the wording from "send feedback" to "add comment". I've been through the style sheet and all the php files and cant find where to make the change.


phew, i dont know how many times i ve replied similar question :roll:
there are two ways doing it, first and more suitable way is to translate it as it's a translatable string..

other way is hacking the core (easier but not recommended as you can forget it to update it later upon an upgrade)

open your ....\inc\items\model\_item.class.php
look for

				if( $params['link_text_zero'] == '#' ) $params['link_text_zero'] = T_('Send feedback').' »';

should be around line 1539 for 2.4.2

3 Aug 19, 2008 17:35

There is an easiest way, find in skin files similar code and change link_text_ values to whatever you want

// Link to comments, trackbacks, etc.:
$Item->feedback_link( array(
		'type' => 'comments',
		'link_before' => '',
		'link_after' => '',
		'link_text_zero' => 'Add comment',
		'link_text_one' => 'One comment',
		'link_text_more' => 'Many comments',
		'link_title' => '#',
		'use_popup' => false,
	) );

EDIT: it's usually in index.main.php or in single.main.php

4 Aug 19, 2008 17:57

sam2kb wrote:

There is an easiest way, find in skin files similar code and change link_text_ values to whatever you want

// Link to comments, trackbacks, etc.:
$Item->feedback_link( array(
		'type' => 'comments',
		'link_before' => '',
		'link_after' => '',
		'link_text_zero' => 'Add comment',
		'link_text_one' => 'One comment',
		'link_text_more' => 'Many comments',
		'link_title' => '#',
		'use_popup' => false,
	) );

EDIT: it's usually in index.main.php or in single.main.php

right (:, i couldnt think of that, this is not risky at all as you would make the change in your skin file, and shorter than translating, nice touche : P

5 Aug 19, 2008 18:10

That worked, great. Thanks!

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