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1 Aug 24, 2008 07:53    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x

I'm currently working on an upgrade to b2evo 2.4.2. The skin is evocamp and I just saw that the page after the click on "read more" displays the words "Follow up" in the post where in the backoffice the post has

. I don't want this follow-up-thing to appear in my text. I lookt at different templates but couldn't find anything about it.

Any ideas how to get rid of it?

Thanks, C.

2 Aug 24, 2008 08:18


In your /skins/ file, or possibly the same file in your /skins/your_skin/ folder find something that looks sort of like this then change the "anchor_text" value:

$Item->more_link( array(
		'before' => $params['before_more_link'],
		'after' => $params['after_more_link'],
		'link_text' => $params['more_link_text'],
		'anchor_text' => 'FOLLOW UP IS LAME TEXT',
	) );

Hey developers: get with the program! AGAIN we have a function called in a skin file that offers NO information in the automagically generated documentation. In fact, you don't even get info when you follow the code to the next function that gets called. HELLO! ANYBODY HOME! Either get rid of the comments in the code and accept that you offer nothing, or fix the code and offer something. leads to which might lead a very determined person to which leads to which still doesn't explain anything in anything remotely resembling 'human friendly' terms. The old documentation did!

3 Aug 24, 2008 09:16

Thanks so much!
In my file it didn't have the anchor_text line.
Added it and changed it into:

'anchor_text' => '', 

But I still wonder where b2evo got the information then to display "follow up".

4 Aug 24, 2008 19:30 is /inc/items/model/_item.class.php file. What was happening is your skin didn't give a value for anchor_text, so at line 1074 it merged your skin with some default params including this line:

'anchor_text' => '#',  // text to display as the more anchor (once the more link has been clicked)

Scroll down that page to lines 1118-1121 and you will see where it decides that if anchor_text is "#" then it makes it be "Follow up:"

if( $params['anchor_text'] == '#' )
{ // TRANS: this is the default text displayed once the more link has been activated
	$params['anchor_text'] = '<p class="bMore">'.T_('Follow up:').'</p>';

There is like a million billion different things you can change with params like that. For functions like this one you just have to tell it the "param_name => param_value" you want to use. For some older functions you have to tell it the param values in the exact order the function is expecting to see them in.

5 Aug 25, 2008 09:38

EdB wrote:

Hey developers: get with the program! AGAIN we have a function called in a skin file that offers NO information in the automagically generated documentation. In fact, you don't even get info when you follow the code to the next function that gets called. HELLO! ANYBODY HOME! Either get rid of the comments in the code and accept that you offer nothing, or fix the code and offer something. leads to which might lead a very determined person to which leads to which still doesn't explain anything in anything remotely resembling 'human friendly' terms. The old documentation did!

Hehe, why are you so angry lol :p
I agree tho. It is a wiki, but only a few knows the inner-workings of b2evo. That few doesn't have time to update the wiki.

Those who have the time (I'm sure there are), doesn't know what to put there. Gridlock :p


6 Aug 25, 2008 13:49

No not the wiki-manual: the automagically generated docs are the ones I like.

The wiki takes time to write after any given version is released, and yeah it takes a small army of volunteers to make and maintain it. The link in this post is automagically generated, so the only way they can be good or bad is based on what the developers put in the code. But I guess what happens is lots of functions seem to just call another function so it'd be like duplicating blocks of comments to get the good stuff to show up at the place where someone starting from the skin functions would want to find them.

Oh well eh?

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