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1 Aug 24, 2008 01:57    

My b2evolution Version: 2.4.2

Whenever anyone comments, it goes to a Server 500 error, yet it submits the comment.
Speaking of leaving comments, I've changed it to auto-publish comments, but it still makes me approve them. Any reason why?

I searched the forums for both of these questions and couldn't find anything, so don't be mad at me if this has already been asked.

2 Aug 24, 2008 02:26

precedented wrote:

My b2evolution Version: 2.4.2

Whenever anyone comments, it goes to a Server 500 error, yet it submits the comment.
Speaking of leaving comments, I've changed it to auto-publish comments, but it still makes me approve them. Any reason why?

I searched the forums for both of these questions and couldn't find anything, so don't be mad at me if this has already been asked.

server500 error hmm.. :roll: let me take a guess, could you be using b2evo under a subdomain by any chance ? etc.. sounded like a baseurl problem..

about the comments, saying precedented wrote:

I've changed it to auto-publish comments

; you mean you have changed your Admin > blog settings >features >> 'New feedback status:
': "published", right ? if so, i have no idea : P

3 Aug 24, 2008 06:15

tilqicom wrote:

precedented wrote:

My b2evolution Version: 2.4.2

Whenever anyone comments, it goes to a Server 500 error, yet it submits the comment.
Speaking of leaving comments, I've changed it to auto-publish comments, but it still makes me approve them. Any reason why?

I searched the forums for both of these questions and couldn't find anything, so don't be mad at me if this has already been asked.

server500 error hmm.. :roll: let me take a guess, could you be using b2evo under a subdomain by any chance ? etc.. sounded like a baseurl problem..

Yup. It is a subdomain. Did I miss that in the documentation somewhere? If I did, I'm sorry. I'll review it to see if I can find it.

tilqicom wrote:

about the comments, saying precedented wrote:

I've changed it to auto-publish comments

; you mean you have changed your Admin > blog settings >features >> 'New feedback status:
': "published", right ? if so, i have no idea : P

Yes, I did that, and I'm pretty sure I figured out the problem... sort of. I figured it out when I logged out and couldn't log back in. It seems it didn't save my password change, which means it probably didn't save that preference change. *sigh* Since I thought I had saved my password, I didn't save the other password, and now I can't login, and when I try to email myself the password, I get a server 500 error. LoL

4 Aug 24, 2008 07:41

Search the forums for "cabbage" with Afwas as the author and you'll find how to set, via phpmyadmin, your password to 'cabbage'. ;)

5 Aug 24, 2008 07:50

Too late. I already reinstalled it. Oddly enough, I had some difficulties with it this time, but now the commenting doesn't give me errors and my password successfully changed. However, it still won't auto-publish comments. I went into Blog Settings -> Features -> Allow all comments or whatever it is, and it still makes me moderate. Right now, that's not that bad, considering the dilemmas I was having before. I'm sure once I put some time into it, I'll figure it out. Apparently a re-install was the answer to my other problems. LoL
Thanks for all your help though.

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