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1 Sep 07, 2008 04:39    

My b2evolution Version: 2.4.2

This is the situation: I have a few blogs in my multiblog system. When i look at the stats in my back office, i see that one of my blogs is a referrer to itself. I don't know what i have done wrong but i do know that it still shows that there are self referred hits. Is there a way (a hack) to have all sites in your multiblog system only show self referrred hits when the links are self referred. As in you click on a category link in the blog and still it shows up as a referred link. that's the kind of link that should be self referred. What is also something to note is that the main blog (the first blog) correctly shows the self referred hits.


2 Sep 09, 2008 23:46

is no one able to answer this question? I thought it would be something simple but i guess not. I will hold out hope though, to see if anyone would like to take a stab at it. It's got me beat!

3 Sep 10, 2008 12:00

Meander over to conf/_stats.php, look for a section that's a smidge like this and add any domains you want to be ignored :

 * Self referers that should not be considered as "real" referers in stats.
 * This should typically include this site and maybe other subdomains of this site.
 * The following substrings will be looked up in the referer http header
 * in order to identify referers to hide in the logs
 * WARNING: you should *NOT* use a slash at the end of simple domain names, as
 * older Netscape browsers will not send these. For example you should list
 * instead of .
 * @todo move to admin interface (T_basedomains list editor), but use for upgrading
 * TODO: handle multiple blog roots.
 * @global array
$self_referer_list = array(
	'://'.$basehost,			// This line will match all pages from the host of your $baseurl
	'://www.'.$basehost,	// This line will also match www.you_base_host in case you have no www. on your basehost


4 Sep 10, 2008 22:20

will this ignore it as a "regular" referrer and count it as a self referred hit? That's what i really want the system to do...i want it to recognized that they are self referred hits and not externally referred hits.

Thanks again!


Edit: *For my case i will refer to the blogs as Main blog and Blog2*

I see that there is a todo listed to handle multiple blog roots. Which is the problem that i am encountering. The blog that shows the referrer data incorrectly is Blog2 but is the main blog root shows the referrer information correctly. So that's really where my question comes from now. Is that todo something that i should look at and say well i guess that i will never get it to show correctly seeing as it does not support multiroot blog? My main blog is showing the other blog as a referrer and i was also asking will i lose that information and will blog 2 be ignore it as a referrer?

5 Sep 10, 2008 22:31

I think i've got it...i just need to read before i respond. Sorry guys!

That just leaves me with the two questions that i had but would like to rephrase more clearly:

Now that i've got that idea down, Is there a way that i can modify the code to pull all the urls that pertain to the other blogs in the multiblog system instead of manually putting them in?

My main blog is showing the other blog as a referrer and i wonder will i lose that information and will blog2 be ignored as a referrer?

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