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- Search Suggest (auto complete) plugin
1 tilqicom Sep 10, 2008 19:03

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered
Last thing first: Not that i need it but the reason i came up with the idea is that it looks cool, and sounded very doable to me (not for me, to me : P )
Most of you have already heard of [url=http://www.google.com/webhp?complete=1&hl=en]Google suggest[/url] right.. despite it is not officially launched yet there are already plugins for FF implementing the feature to your regular google page..
i thought such a feature would be great as a plugin or ideally implemented to the [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=15593][Widget] Advanced Search by sam2kb[/url]
There are different options i believe with [url=http://ui.jquery.com/repository/latest/demos/functional/#ui.autocomplete]jquery[/url] or [url=http://www.dynamicajax.com/fr/AJAX_Suggest_JavaScript-271_290_312_314.html]ajax[/url] etc.. to build it..
Ideally the keywords to be retrieved from the DB should be generic i believe... That database table containing the auto complete keywords should consists of category (subcat) names, tags basically , so that it wont grow large and will give the user the idea while typing.. (of course it d be better if the included areas were extended)..
i d like to hear if you agree with me, i d be glad to help where ever i may