2 edb Sep 12, 2008 19:37

Hi spike_132000,
Welcome to the forums.
You can make different skins, esch skin teh same but with a different background. Simply call the mskin_1 through skin_x. The only thing to remember is that each skin goes into another subfolder in the /skins/ directory.
Now you are able to pick another skin for each of your blogs and the blogs iwll look different the way you want.
Good luck
i like edb's method a lot. i always hated how i couldn't remotely change my skins. with edb's solution, i just realized as long as i am not changing core files or skin files (only images and css) i can do it from anywhere i please--WITHOUT having to ftp in i mean.
Hi spike_132000. You can do that with custom style sheets. On your Blog settings -> pick a blog -> features subtab check the box for "allow custom CSS". Then on your media tab upload to each blog's folder a style.css file that calls for a different background image ... and the new image for that blog. So like for the evopress skin I use the following style sheet for blogs that get a different image:
I then upload a different version of "header.jpg" to the same folder. Done!
Oh and welcome to the forums :)