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1 Sep 15, 2008 14:39    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x


I have installed b2evolution on my host and can access all the admin dashboard functions.

I am reading through the website manuals but I am a bit overwhelmed buy the size scope and potential of this software.

I am not a programmer but I have an understanding of IT.

Is there anywhere I should look for a "quick start" guide or can somebody just give a little advice on how best to set up b2evolution.

I want to set up a website that I can invite selected others to blog on.
I think I will have around 30 to 40 bloggers on it.

What I really need to know are the common mistakes when using b2evolution. i.e stopping spam, are there certain plug-ins that are essential? are there hack or attacks that I need to protect my user from?
How do I go from the initial install to getting the site ready to invite my bloggers?

Thank you for any help or links to get me started.

2 Sep 15, 2008 22:51

Maybe I'm asking too many questions at once.

my site in

Firstly can some tell me how I edit the latin text in the header?
I'm using the BG skin.

3 Sep 15, 2008 23:37

Try going into the Admin section of your b2
Click on the Blog Settings tab
At the bottom of that section is a "Long Description" text box.

Either edit the content or simply delete the content and see what happens :)

4 Sep 16, 2008 00:57

Also give a read to the sample posts in your installation. The layout and content is designed to be sort of like a basic education in how it all works.

hmmm... That "lorem ipsum" part is NOT part of b2evolution. That paragraph is coming from a file called "front.php" in the skin. So you will not be able to change that in your skin. In a perfect world that would have been the long description field embedded in a container so that you could use it or not without hacking files. Currently you would have to either edit front.php to change that text OR edit index.main.php to completely remove that file from your blog.

For antispam I totally recommend my TuringTest plugin at but hey I'm biased. I wrote it :)

5 Sep 16, 2008 09:21

I found the front.php file thank you.

I have also installed turing test.

can the front.php file be changed for each blog I set up or will the same text appear on every blog?

Is there any way to get round this?

6 Sep 16, 2008 16:47

It'll always be the same because it's the same file. Changing it to something different for each blog can be done at least two ways. The first is to make up a new front.php for each blog. Edit your index.main.php file and find this bit:

	<div id="main">
	<?php include ('front.php');?>

Now change it to maybe this:

	<div id="main">
	<?php $file_name = 'front_'.$blog.'.php';
	include ($file_name);?>

Now make sure you have a file called "front_NN.php" for each blog you have. So like blog #7 will use "front_7.php". If you create a blog and don't have a front file for it your blog will probably throw an error.

The second way is the way I will do it when I tune up that skin because I have an upcoming need for it. Unfortunately I don't have the time to do it right now because I'm tired and gotta go to work again tonight. Basically I would replace the first block of code with the right way to call the long description. Probably something like this:

// ----------------------- Blog Title Widget called here -----------------------
skin_widget( array(
		'widget' => 'coll_longdesc',
		'block_start' => '<div id="main">',
		'block_end' => '</div>',
	) );?>

Hey if it works lemme know so I don't have to figure it out again when I'm awake ;)

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