1 benasplentas Sep 29, 2008 13:37
3 tblue Nov 20, 2008 15:03
Try the following:
1. If the file _item_comment.inc.php does not exist in your skin folder, copy it from skins/_item.comment.inc.php.
2. Open the file with an editor.
3. Line 52 should look like this:
Replace it with the following code:
// User group name
if ( ( $c_user =& $Comment->get_author_User() ) !== NULL )
{ // User is a member
$c_usergroup = format_to_output( $c_user->get_Group()->get_name(), 'htmlbody' );
$c_usergroup = '';
$Comment->author( '', '#', '', ' ['.T_( 'Member' ).': '.$c_usergroup.']' );
This will display the usual [Visitor] after the user's name if he is a guest and [Member: <Group name>] if the user is a member.
4 benasplentas Nov 20, 2008 15:26
thank you, it worked!
5 mel_t Dec 24, 2008 03:56
Thanks, it works fine also for me.
How I could achieve same result but for author's post?
I suppose it's in post.main.php and replace $Item->author, but I'm unable to modify your code to get it working.
my version is now 2.4.5
the same question - I still can't find how to do this - in the blog where registered user is placing the comment to a post and next to his name the user group is showed. How to do this?