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1 Sep 30, 2008 02:39    

My b2evolution Version: 2.4.5

I'm not really sure if this is a problem or not, but I have been wondering about it for a little while now. A quick forum/Google search turned up nothing so I though I would ask here. For quite some time now, whenever I go to update my blacklist, I get this:

    * Latest update timestamp: 2008-06-10 05:14:36
    * Requesting abuse list from
    * Adding strings to local blacklist:
    * Adding: «»: Not necessary! (Already handled)
    * New latest update timestamp: 2008-06-10 05:14:36

This line:

Adding: «»: Not necessary! (Already handled)

Is always there, no matter how many times I run the update process, how long I wait, it's still there. It's been there for...oh...probably at least a couple of months. Is this an issue somewhere or expected behavior? I've seen other entries that come through like that, already handled, but they only show up once then are gone when I run the next update. I am currently running version 2.4.5 but I just upgraded and the problem was here at least in the previous version and maybe farther back. Thoughts? Thanks in advance for your help!

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