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1 Oct 01, 2008 06:53    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I've recently installed b2evolution version 2.4.2 and am using the evopress skin.

The widget for Blog A Title seems to be not only for the title of the blog, but also acts as a link. Is there any way to have that link bring the user back to my main website instead?

Say I choose to leave the Blog A Title as a link to the blog A itself, is there a way I can add my company logo and have that be clickable back to my main website? Or at least put in a simple text link underneath (or in place of) the tagline in the blog header?

My knowledge of html, php and the rest is virtually nil, so please make your answers as specific as possible. If you reference filenames, please include the name of the directory where I should be able to find said file, and if I need to add html code, please specify exactly what code I should add and exactly where in the file it should go.

Thanks in advance.

2 Oct 01, 2008 21:08

Hi newuser77! You can add a freehtml widget with a content like that:

<h1><a href="mycoollink">My header</a></h1>

it should work.

3 Oct 01, 2008 23:10

Thanks for the help. I ended up putting the html code in the tagline under the Blog A title, so it's very visible. I actually knew the proper html code in this rare instance; I just didn't realize that you could put html code in those fields and have them work.

While I'm pressing my luck, is there any way to put a logo in the top banner/header so that it's, say, above the Blog title and in the upper left?

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