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1 Oct 05, 2008 00:35    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

I've been removing widgets trying to isolate the problem but I'm not having much luck. I can't seem to remember how to enable debug either to see if that will help me.

2 Oct 05, 2008 01:47

i can not locate the problem 'exactly' but to give you a few ideas,

the problem is 'definitely' with the js.. either one of the external ones, or an internal one you included in your widgets..

if you would ask me to take one particular shot i'd say try removing:

<script type="text/javascript">
  var itkirb = 0
  if(window.itk_show_rank_badge){ itk_show_rank_badge(); }else{ itkirb = setInterval(function () { if(window.itk_izearanks_badge) clearInterval(itkirb); itk_izearanks_badge.install() }, 2000); }

3 Oct 05, 2008 04:59

Thanks...took that out and still no go :(

I'll keep looking for js to remove.

4 Oct 05, 2008 05:20

Daethian2 wrote:

Thanks...took that out and still no go :(

I'll keep looking for js to remove.

that's what i thought : D i took a long shot it didnt go in : P

so i wish you good luck finding out which one caused it out of 13 external of 68 total scripts weighing over 120 kb : P

but i can recommend take out on 'suspicious' ones first, like crappy websites offering badges and stuff - no offense- (:

5 Oct 05, 2008 05:23

Just to add, your site crashed Firefox 3 on OSX

6 Oct 05, 2008 05:28

It loads for me on FF 2 and 3.
I've removed almost everything that I think might be interfering as far as widgets etc

I switched to two other skins and the same thing happened.

7 Oct 05, 2008 05:47

Daethian2 wrote:

It loads for me on FF 2 and 3.
I've removed almost everything that I think might be interfering as far as widgets etc

I switched to two other skins and the same thing happened.

no you havent removed almost everthing, (frankly you havent removed much it seems)
it doesnt have to be the widgets.

i wont paste ur code here ofc, but view your page source and ctrl+f for java and see what you get (:

8 Oct 05, 2008 20:18

It was the Google Analytics Plug in apparently. I just uninstalled it and now there is no error.

Can someone else please recheck from their end and confirm it's no longer crashing?

9 Oct 05, 2008 20:40

Daethian2 wrote:

It was the Google Analytics Plug in apparently. I just uninstalled it and now there is no error.

Can someone else please recheck from their end and confirm it's no longer crashing?

not approved.

i wouldnt dream google analytics cause such error already..

btw, you still have shedloads of scripts in your page, i would recommend it on the ones that wouldnt validate at the first place if you had not that much.. so if you had not had that error before check on the recent ones, i guess you will eventually end up removing/disabling all the stuff and readding one by one : /

you might want to check on the topic [url=]Option to activate / deactivate a widget[/url] , it might do good for you for the moment, just to disable your widgets instead of getting pain removing/readding (dunno if that hack still works, it should)

10 Oct 05, 2008 20:49

You're site is doing fine.
I can't imagine the Google Analytics plugin being the problem, but I've seen weirder things.

Have fun

11 Oct 05, 2008 20:59

I just had it happen again when I started readding my custom widgets.

Most of the java stuff is for tracking for my paid blogging and networking and they sort of rely on each other.

I'm trying to go one by one here:

Google Translator inserted causes IE to crash again.
PetFinder inserted causes IE to crash.
TraceMyIP inserted causes IE to crash (as a widget and not a tracking code in my footer)

So what's even more confusing is that I have nearly all these widgets on my site: and it doesn't crash.

12 Oct 05, 2008 21:09


What is the difference between the body footer file and the html footer file?

If I have tracking codes to embed should they be inserted into body footer or html footer?

13 Oct 05, 2008 21:41

The body footer is the footer of the skin, the bottom line messages, visible to the user.
The html footer simply closes the page:


and there is the footer container right before that.
The Google Analytics plugin resides in that container. That way the page gets counted only if the full page is loaded.

14 Oct 05, 2008 21:50

So I should place my other codes in the html footer file?

15 Oct 06, 2008 02:01

Daethian2 wrote:

So I should place my other codes in the html footer file?

i didnt get that from above, placing those faulty codes anywhere else should not help.. i insist that you should locate exactly which one is causing it, take it out and replace the proper ones

16 Oct 06, 2008 19:35

I only have code in place right now and when I put it in place the site didn't crash. But if you look at my above post there seems to be some conflict that I am not able to figure out on my own. One of my other blogs has very similar codes and widgets and it does not crash.

17 Oct 19, 2008 16:56

Just as a follow up ...

I figured out the problem and it wasn't any of my custom widgets and stuff. When I upgraded my blog my Avatars plug in became partially broken, in that I couldn't see the controls in the back end but they all still displayed. So I just left it alone. I uninstalled it completely and now my page loads fine.

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