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1 Oct 07, 2008 01:44    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

I'm using 2.4.2 now and this is the first time I'm using this software. What happens if I don't upgrade right away? Would everything start acting up and getting slower with time? I really don't understand how to upgrade exactly and I'm scared to even try because I don't want to mess up anything. :-/

2 Oct 07, 2008 05:46

We're running our blog on 1.9.3 and (so far), the world hasn't caved in. ;)

The only thing you miss out on, if you don't upgrade is:

1) Anything new and cool that's in the upgrade, that isn't in your version.

2) The ability to say "I'm so cool, I'm using the latest version".

If you're happy with what you've got, you could keep blogging merrily until you want one of the new features or something changes (MySQL version, PHP version, etc) that makes something break.

All just my opinion, of course!

Hope this helps.


3 Oct 07, 2008 09:06

Thanks! To do the upgrade which one is easier the patch or the regular upgrade? If I decide to do the patch, when doing the patch it says I have to upgrade the conf files. How do I do that? :?:

4 Oct 07, 2008 09:47

A version consists of three numbers. In your case 2.4.2
The first is the major version. Version 2 is not compatible with version 1. For the biggest part this means you can't interchange skins from version 1 and version 2.
The second number (4) means a database change. Every number meant that the installed needed to do a (smaller) change there. So if you started with 2.0 and ended with 2.4 and did all the upgrades you needed to run the installer three times. The insaller does th database changes for you.
A change in the latter number would mean only a change in files. That's why there is a patch for upgrading from 2.4.2 to 2.4.5. Only the changed files are included.

i don't know what changed in the config files, or to be more specific, I think I do know, but I hope someone else can explain what the notice means. It most likely means that if you made manual changes to config files in 2.4.2 you'd need to do them again in 2.4.5

Hope this explains a little. You'd not want to be a senior like stk but a cool dude, don't you?

Have fun

5 Oct 07, 2008 10:00

The only thing that's changed in the conf folder is _application.php ... it's been updated to reflect the new version number ... just replace the file on your server with the new one ;)

The only reason stk's not upgraded is because he can't be arsed with the time it'll take to re-create his pastel palace :roll:


6 Oct 07, 2008 13:05

¥åßßå wrote:

The only reason stk's not upgraded is because he can't be arsed with the time it'll take to re-create his pastel palace :roll:


Meeee-owww ;)


7 Oct 07, 2008 14:42

*whistles innocently*


8 Oct 07, 2008 14:55

* off topic *

Hope your feeling better, not long now until your holidays (you lucky person you) :)


9 Oct 07, 2008 17:05

Moonglow - Usually, a "patch" upgrade is simply a matter of replacing a selected number of files on the server. It's really pretty straight-forward.

Generally it's a good idea to make a local copy of the files you're going to replace, then upload the new files onto your server, replacing the server versions of the old files. Then test your blog and live with the changes for a while. Chances are you'll be fine. IF you have problems, you can always back out of the "patch" by replacing the new server files with the local backups you made before you laid on the patch.

Afwas - That's Señor to you. :p

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