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1 Oct 17, 2008 19:18    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x


I'm helping put together a new b2evo v2.4.2 ( blog, but the source code is different to my own b2evo v1.9.2 blog - so I need a little bit help... please!

We would like to show the number of posts per category in the sidebar of the blog (e.g. in brackets in grey like on my own blog) and we don't know how... any suggestions?

Thanks very much in advance...

3 Oct 21, 2008 19:25

Hey Afwas,

thanks for remining me... but the linked posting was not the answer to my request above... even when I tried this by myself and I was successful. In the sidebar, all the categories are listed... behind each category title I would like to present the numbers of inside posts as well.... but somewhere in this forum I now found, that it's simply not working in version 2. Ah, it was the following posting:


4 Oct 22, 2008 01:57

Hi Daniel,

I had a closer look a the code. The categories are no longer generated through the posts cache but through the (new) Chapters cache. Using the posts (now Items) cache has the advantage you can count the posts on the fly. The Chapters cache simply isn't directly linked to the posts so there's no count.
I hope this explanation makes some sense :p

Unfortunately there's no easy solution so don't expect anything to happen.

Good luck

5 Oct 22, 2008 07:29

Hmm, okay Afwas - thanks for the explanation...

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