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1 Oct 20, 2008 02:59    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

After updating the avatars & starrating plugin; my installation broke for IE only.. displays one posts and doesnt display the rest..removing the plugins did not work.. then i thought it might be skin issue but it wasnt that either..

see the difference between IE and FF through this [url=]link[/url].. it's not skin related.changing skins does not help..

here is a screenshot if you dont have IE.. i d be glad if you could tell any insights or any idea what might have caused this :/

2 Oct 20, 2008 03:39

Could be a clearing issue....

.bPost, .bPostpublished
clear: both;

though I've had nothing to do with IE or it's latest versions in a long time.

It's always had it's knickers in a knot over floats and clearing floats.

3 Oct 21, 2008 17:32

John wrote:

Could be a clearing issue....

.bPost, .bPostpublished
clear: both;

though I've had nothing to do with IE or it's latest versions in a long time.

It's always had it's knickers in a knot over floats and clearing floats.

thanks for your response John.. but just like i said, it is not a skin issue, changing skins didnt help.. very strange.. i wasnt prepared for this :/ me had no recent backup unfortunately, i hope someone could come up with somme suggestions

4 Oct 22, 2008 04:37

My IE6 and IE7 don't show the gap like on your screenshot.
Can you confirm that it's still there or did you change anything?

5 Oct 22, 2008 13:01

sam2kb wrote:

My IE6 and IE7 don't show the gap like on your screenshot.
Can you confirm that it's still there or did you change anything?

right sam2kb, i wasnt around for the past few days, havent changed anything , however the problem has vanished itself it seems (:, strange..thanks for the prompts though, i consider myself lucky this time and will have a backup right away

edit: the issue is back after switching skins, i am convinced it might be a skin issue, but cant get it, as everything was going fine, and i see such a problem for the first time :/ it just doesnt make sense

6 Oct 23, 2008 01:04

Let me know if you need an old version of Avatars plugin

7 Oct 25, 2008 18:15

John wrote:

Could be a clearing issue....

though I've had nothing to do with IE or it's latest versions in a long time.

It's always had it's knickers in a knot over floats and clearing floats.

on a later re-check; you were definitely right John, i havent had difficulties with this bug of IE, but it was definitely a skin and a clearing issue.. just so you know, be careful clearing floated divs, your content may disapper, unfortunately i met yet another IE bug to dig :/

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