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1 Jun 30, 2004 22:10    

So I'd never seen how an rss reader puts together the xml and I decided to download one and check it out. I ended up stumbling on sharp reader and fired it up.

It came presubcsribed to several feeds, with slashdot being one of them. I clicked on a feed and it had a neat image up in the title bar. Soo...I looked at the plain xml and saw how they did it and have implemented it on a couple of feeds of mine.

I've got it working for RSS 0.92, 1.0 and 2.0 but need help for the atom feed.

edit: all files found yourb2root/xmlsrv

For .92, right after the channel open tag and before the title open tag, I added to file rss.php

		  <title>your site title</title> 

and for 1.0/2.0 right after the channel open tag and before the title open tag, I added to rdf.php/rss2.php respectively

	  <image rdf:about="http://www.linktoimage">
		  <title>your site titlle</title> 

Results in this:

If any of you cats can get the atom to work, let me know. It's not erroring, but it's not showing in my news reader.


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