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1 Nov 11, 2008 17:21    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

I mistakenly used a wrong User for posting and now I want to correct it.
It seems I can do it by just posting again with the right User but then I will have a lot of visitors getting a 404 page since I distributed via mail the post.

How can I change the User of a published post?


2 Nov 11, 2008 19:25

go to your phpMyAdmin browse : 'evo_items' -> 'evo_items_item'

find the post you want to edit; click edit, and edit the 'post_creator_user_ID' to the ID of the right user

3 Nov 12, 2008 18:10

We've actually got a plugin that does this ... somewhere, buggered if I can remember where ..... try asking Topanga ;)


4 Dec 11, 2009 18:48

¥åßßå and Topanga: Your EXCELLENT plugin works in version 3.3.2 but gives an error:

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/anajulia/public_html/plugins/_am_assignauthor.plugin.php on line 45

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/anajulia/public_html/plugins/_am_assignauthor.plugin.php on line 49

Can you help me with this?

5 Dec 11, 2009 19:07

For what it's worth, the feature of the admin being able to change the author/owner of a post is built in in b2evo v4/cvs.

6 Dec 11, 2009 19:56

Not every user requires that ability, why bloat the core unnecessarily?

try changing line 45 to this :

		if( !empty( $Blog) && !empty( $params['target_type'] ) 
				&& !empty( $current_User )&& $params['target_type'] == 'Item'
				&& $current_User->check_perm( 'blog_admin', 'edit', false, $Blog->ID ) )


7 Dec 12, 2009 03:03


Your code fixed error in line 45 but I still get the following error because of line 49:

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/anajulia/public_html/plugins/_am_assignauthor.plugin.php on line 49

8 Dec 12, 2009 03:21

My humble opinion about plugins, "bloatware", etc...

I work with b2evolution as the only blog system for me and some clients. Through the past 5 years I've been using b2evolution, there has always been a needed feature for some blog but not for another. But I would always rather have too much options in b2evolution than having to go through the forums to investigate if some feature is available or not.
For example, Changing author has become very necessary for two of my clients, because they use different users for different blogs and sometimes mix up. Having the possibility of changing author is much better than the other option which is to delete the whole post and re-post it as a different user.
b2evolution should include as many features as possible, as plugins, as widgets, as core, however you call it.
At firts b2evolution even included most language files, that is so much better than having to find a suitable language file. Remember many users install b2evolution through Fantastico and know nothing about FTP, uploading, installing or playing with files in b2evolution.
Why is Firefox so good? Because it is, but also because of its add-ons. Yet, newer versions have been developed with former add-ons as part of the Browser. Add-ons that were useful are now included and improved in Firefox.
That is what I wish for b2evolution to consider. Make plugins as part of the whole system. If someone doesn't need them, let them turn them off, but make b2evolution feature rich from the beginning.

9 Dec 12, 2009 06:28

gcasanova wrote:

Your code fixed error in line 45 but I still get the following error because of line 49:

I'll need to install 3.3.2 to fix this.


10 Dec 17, 2009 11:33

Ok, I've installed a fresh copy of 3.3.3 and I can't recreate your error ( with or without my above change )

Could you zip up _your_copy of this plugin and your rss plugin that you're having grief with and email them to me?


11 Dec 28, 2009 23:22

Hello, can someone tell me how can I get pass this error " login is being used by existing user" when I keep trying to set up another privileged blogger. I am new to b2evolution and I'm using the 3.3.1 version. I tried to reset several times and it completely lock me out by saying " this can't be undone or reverse" as far as setting up an another user. My blog is Blastoutwknds Fashion Blog.

1. Im the adminstrator
2. My 1st assistant
3. My 2nd assistant can't be set up at all

Can you please help????? :(

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